NCMama Wrote:
> Came here just to find out about this! Still
> looking for my deposit, as well.
> edited to add:
> From a facebook response: "Good Morning everyone,
> You are correct in the fact that the shopper
> agreement states, "For services performed and
> reimbursement for allowable expenses will be
> distributed by computer-generated check or direct
> deposit on approximately the 16th of the month
> following the month in which projects were
> properly completed and received according to
> project requirements." Please note that this does
> say approximately so payments are not late at this
> time. We are working on getting them out. Thank
> you for understanding and patience."
> Grrr...
Re: the BARE Facebook disclaimer ".....Thank you for understanding and patience". Sounds like the author needs to understand that the shipping et al. shops require an outlay of funds on our part, in some cases fairly substantial. As far as patience, pluuuueeez. How does that enter the equation? The whole statement sounds like condescending tripe.