New Shops

I'm looking for shop companies in MA. I have about 50 shop companies right now and less than half only have shops in MA. Does anyone know any particular shop company that does a lot of MA?

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I am fairly new to this myself but have also signed up with over 50 MSCs, and intend to sign up with more more more, for just that reason. Already I have found that a company that has nothing in my area may have something 3 or 8 or 20 weeks from now. MSCs are not regional; they'll take clients from anywhere. So sign up with all you can find.


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
It is hit and miss. Mscs gain and lose clients all the time. If you want to do this keep at it and sign up for as many companies as posible. Use Free. Depending on your area, you will be getting e-mails for jobs.
AustinMom Wrote:
> Try searching JobSlniger (free) to see what
> companies have jobs in your area.

Jobslinger is a terrific resource, but it won't list every job every company has in your area. It's a great resource -- I wouldn't have found Freeman Group without it -- but there's nothing better to find everything in one's locale than Apply, Apply, Apply, and keep on Applying.


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
I'm glad I don't need this to survive. I only signed up for a dozen MS, maybe adding one a week and doing 4 or 5 shops a week. Just a hobby and some casino money. Best wishes to everyone and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
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