Market Force

I have an email from MF telling me that they can't pay me for my most recent ff shop. It says I didn't order a side at the drive thru. In fact, I did order the side, but did not receive it. The store was operating in 16 degree weather with no heat, so the employees were not happy campers. They didn't do much of anything right, but I did go into detail about it in my report. I explained this. I would blow it off if I enjoyed these shops, but the fact is, the food is not my cup of tea..I do them when I'm called and asked to do them, with a bonus. This "invalid" shop is just pissing me off. And I have another scheduled for tomorrow. aaarrrrggggggggggh

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eastcoastsuzy Wrote:
> I have an email from MF telling me that they can't
> pay me for my most recent ff shop. It says I
> didn't order a side at the drive thru. In fact, I
> did order the side, but did not receive it. The
> store was operating in 16 degree weather with no
> heat, so the employees were not happy campers.
> They didn't do much of anything right, but I did
> go into detail about it in my report. I explained
> this. I would blow it off if I enjoyed these
> shops, but the fact is, the food is not my cup of
> tea..I do them when I'm called and asked to do
> them, with a bonus. This "invalid" shop is just
> pissing me off. And I have another scheduled for
> tomorrow. aaarrrrggggggggggh

Happens all the time......... Good luck
eastcoastsuzy Wrote:
> I have an email from MF telling me that they can't
> pay me for my most recent ff shop. It says I
> didn't order a side at the drive thru. In fact, I
> did order the side, but did not receive it. The
> store was operating in 16 degree weather with no
> heat, so the employees were not happy campers.
> They didn't do much of anything right, but I did
> go into detail about it in my report. I explained
> this. I would blow it off if I enjoyed these
> shops, but the fact is, the food is not my cup of
> tea..I do them when I'm called and asked to do
> them, with a bonus. This "invalid" shop is just
> pissing me off. And I have another scheduled for
> tomorrow. aaarrrrggggggggggh

I would argue that one, suzy. I have had that happen and I have been paid. you said you DID cover it in your report. I had covered it in my report as well. When I got the "we can't pay you" e-mail, I e-mailed back detailing again exactly what happened and said I also explained it in the report. You will probably get a response that "it was presented to a manager" and will now be paid or some such save-face nonsense. If you still get a no, I would e-mail the Help Desk and ask that a manager review it. I am betting it will be overturned and you will be paid.
I've emailed the help desk requesting a review. We'll see how that goes. I've just input this mornings shop and trust me, I found NO fault with anything this time. smiling smiley

I've been thinking I'm evaluating a shop when in reality, the MSC is evaluating me. The MSC is tougher on me than I am on the shops.Go figger.
That's exactly right vsorrentino.
As they continue to suck up so many companies that I really enjoyed doing the shops I lose out on the shops and income. It makes me nervous that eventually they'll be "Umbrella Corporation" and we'll be doing zombie shopping. smiling smiley

vsorrentino Wrote:
> I think vadershereo stated they have taken over
> companies he/she worked for before and would like
> to continue doing assignments for them. If a
> company is becoming a monopoly in the business and
> the MAJORITY of people (yes we know not you) have
> issue with their practice, then MAYBE, just
> maybe,there is a problem with their practice.
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