eastcoastsuzy Wrote:
> I have an email from MF telling me that they can't
> pay me for my most recent ff shop. It says I
> didn't order a side at the drive thru. In fact, I
> did order the side, but did not receive it. The
> store was operating in 16 degree weather with no
> heat, so the employees were not happy campers.
> They didn't do much of anything right, but I did
> go into detail about it in my report. I explained
> this. I would blow it off if I enjoyed these
> shops, but the fact is, the food is not my cup of
> tea..I do them when I'm called and asked to do
> them, with a bonus. This "invalid" shop is just
> pissing me off. And I have another scheduled for
> tomorrow. aaarrrrggggggggggh
I would argue that one, suzy. I have had that happen and I have been paid. you said you DID cover it in your report. I had covered it in my report as well. When I got the "we can't pay you" e-mail, I e-mailed back detailing again exactly what happened and said I also explained it in the report. You will probably get a response that "it was presented to a manager" and will now be paid or some such save-face nonsense. If you still get a no, I would e-mail the Help Desk and ask that a manager review it. I am betting it will be overturned and you will be paid.