Flash Wrote:
> It would appear to me that the biggest problems
> have arisen with shops that do not require a
> receipt. The company that was looking for a
> shopper to do a long route of shops because of
> their cheating shopper only required photos, which
> apparently had been faked. The shop that required
> a newspaper in the photo of the front of the store
> had no purchase and I believe you were to pick up
> a brochure as proof of visit, if even that. A
> shopper on here a year or so ago mentioned there
> was 'no point' in going to a distant location to
> perform an audit when there was a store right down
> the street that should have the same prices.
> The challenge for all MSCs is to come up with
> shops that make sense, have some sort of dated
> proof of visit and yet don't make shoppers
> obvious. Their alternative is to use shoppers
> they feel comfortable they can trust. The notion
> of having date/time stamped photos works on the
> assumption that the deliberate cheater is too dumb
> or lazy to change the date and time stamp on their
> camera. A business card works on the assumption
> that a collection of them is not made on a single
> visit with a call to the location to see who is on
> duty that day. The new notion of a GPS ap on
> shoppers reduces the numbers of shoppers to those
> with smart phones that can use the ap who are
> willing to install the ap. That immediately also
> skews the data because of the subset of available
> shoppers willing to play. The problem I have with
> all of this is that it is rapidly becoming more
> important to prove that I did what I did rather
> than making the observations I need to be making.
The problem with going to a local store is that you would have to have a very special talent to give the names and or descriptions of the employees at the location at a distance and get your face on the video tape.
I do not fudge shops because in this age of electronics and security at the cash register a shopper has to be recorded with the cashier at the location the shopper was sent to. Another reason I do not fudge is that I have integrity. I give an accurate account and I have each shop on digital tape just in case the manager wants to rewrite history to save his or her butt." It is not "me said they said, It is "I can prove what was said!" I keep the tape till I get paid then erase it.