Is there a site for this?

Is there a site out there that lets shoppers know of the companies that are not good with paying, shops, or scheduling. I read a lot of posts that are balanced some people have a problem some don't. Is there a site that gives the chance for a company and shoppers to comment on situations? I have read that a lot of people are having problems with far I have not had this problem and I am wondering is this the company or just a select region. If there is not a site out there, would it be a good idea to build a site?

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I was hoping this was it.

I too have read the thread of Intellishop complaints, and it does give me pause.

As a relative newbie I would also be interested in hearing plaudits about MSCs in addition to complaints. I must admit, I get particularly nervous about reimbursements when dealing with a new company.


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
This is such a site.

pandamonkey Wrote:
> Is there a site out there that lets shoppers know
> of the companies that are not good with paying,
> shops, or scheduling. I read a lot of posts that
> are balanced some people have a problem some
> don't. Is there a site that gives the chance for
> a company and shoppers to comment on situations?
> I have read that a lot of people are having
> problems with far I have not had
> this problem and I am wondering is this the
> company or just a select region. If there is not
> a site out there, would it be a good idea to build
> a site?
Yes, this is the site. First, do an "all dates" search on the company that concerns you. Once you find the thread of comments on that company, read, read, and add your own comments. You will find that one size does NOT fit all. We have varying opinions on what we will tolerate from various MSCs , based on personal preferences for types of shops and tolerance for cash flow issues among other things.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
what i do now... after being burned by a merchandising company for a lot of trips and gas (14 trips and 20 hours of work) Wondermarketing through a posting at NARMS...

is to take one shop... preferable the one with the lowest payment and easiest... and if they burn me... welp... i post as much as i can hear... and NEVER go back... simple... put up a small bit first... see if they are legit...

i am not to worried about my credit because its pretty rough for me to find a card... becasue it is rated poor (getting much better though grinning smiley) and i monitor it daily for free at and i just dont sign up with companies that get a lot of negative reviews here or elsewhere...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
This is the site but take what you read about companies with a grain of salt. Some of us like one company, some like another .... sometimes it is just personal preference. The things to watch out for include a pattern of posts about slow payment and multiple complaints about non-payment. Be aware that you can't believe everything you read. I tend to pay more attention to experienced shoppers/posters who have been around for awhile .... I "know" them and trust their judgement. I tend to be suspicious of very negative posts from a new poster who registered immediately before posting the negative.
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