Anyone else falling in the cracks?

I have been mystery shopping since 2003 and I have noticed a lot this year that when I call, email, and write to people, I keep falling in the cracks. I have been paid late by so many companies this year. When I talk to the companies they say things like there was a glitch in the system, the system didn't pull your full address, or we didn't realize who was paid or not. This is getting to be annoying. Is anyone else having this problem?

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Not really. Once I feel a company is playing games with me I just back away from them. I am finding that my good companies are not playing the games. That is probably why I have liked working with them all along. When I mess up, an apology is accepted and we work out some way to fix it. When they mess up, an apology is offered and we work out some way to fix it. I.e. we cut each other some slack and get it done. (Which is what it is all supposed to be about anyway, isn't it?)
I find my big dog companies that pay regularly, have great schedulers, and dont play games are always good to me. I am on a first name basis with many of the schedulers and staff. I have branched out to several other companies where I do the test mystery shop to see how they pay. These are the ones that I having trouble with. Is there a board somewhere or a website that shows companies that screw over mystery shoppers?
Not really because a lot of us have very different experiences with the same company due to different schedulers. The only companies we tend to really agree on as not worthwhile are those that just are not paying anybody as per their pay schedules.
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