Is this as bogus as it sounds or what?

I got this email tonight. It was sent from, which I looked up and is a company in Central Oregon. Then at the bottom it says, which is a free email service in Germany. The language sounds non-native, and the pay sounds ridiculous. Is it as bogus as it appears?

OPEN POSITION (Evaluation Needed)

19 Years old or above
Can speak local language well
Can read and write English
No experience needed
Like Shopping

You will get $400 a week.
Most of the time you will only need to spend 20 minutes on the visit.
If interested,send the information below,

First Name....
Middle Name.....
Last Name........
Street Address ...........
City, State, Zip Code .....
Cell Phone Number
Home Phone Number .....
Current Occupation.....
Email Address.....

There is no charge to become an evaluator.
We will contact as soon after you sent out your application.

Mr.Laurent Cargemel
Hiring Manager

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Of course it's bogus! ANY email like this is, regardless of whether or not they "borrow" the name of a legitimate company.
Run like hell.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
this duck probably has eaten a dragon and a unicorn...



shopping north west PA and south west ny

As soon as you send all your personal information and home address, bogus fraud checks will arrive at your front door.

Not to mention, they will begin harassing you because they have your personal information.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2011 01:01PM by SunnyDays2.
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