Thanks for the offer, Market Force, but...

suzieboz Wrote:
> 5 bucks? I've always seen them start at 7.50.
> Speaking of MFI, anyone want to lay bets we get
> paid Monday?

My direct deposit hit this morning. w00t!

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That is edemic in the entire msc business. If one msc has a bone to pick with you, they will wreck you with many other msc . I had it happen to me where I got into a major dispute with a scheduler, Marcie Montelone, where she sent me on a shop and then gave it to someone else. She badmouthed me to a different msc that she works for and I was deactivated due to her comments. It is not just MF although they leave a lot to be desired.
I received a call fron a scheduler a few months back offering a whopping $50 for audit. Problem is, the audit took 3.5 hours and the person I had to walk around the store with was a real @#$%&. She wanted me to falsify the report. I will have to be offered more the next time to accept this audit again!
I still would take that any day over the covert gas station audit I did that the guy came running outside with a bat and said he had called the police because I was taking pictures. And he didn't care what piece of paper I had with me.
I understand your plight Suzieboz. I would have had to call the police. But my problem with the audit was this woman simply felt she was being inconvenienced, she complained that she had to delay her lunch because of me and then when we feound price errors, she wanted to blame them on the home office. I understand there are staff issues. For one, everyone is down sizing. They have a legitimate concern. They were getting the amount of work performed with 50 employees and now are expected to do the same amount with 20 employees and even some are getting less hours.

However, complaining to me is not going to get anything accomplished. Documenting and recording numbers on paper is what gets top management attention. When the money begins to negatively impact them and the bottom line is in red and not black.............if you can show where the problem is in numbers on paper, they will look and take action. You do not ask me to falsify a report and then blame me when I am doing the job I am paid for.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2011 06:34PM by destiny1234.
You're absolutely right Destiny. I had a man at a Quiznos that tried to pull the same thing with me and I apologized and said I have a job to do and any questions would be handled between him and the powers that be. He told me to "get the hell out", called me a choice witch with a B word and I did.

And bleeping Service Sleuth refused to pay me for the assignment as I didn't complete it.
I have just refused to work for marketforce anyway. I find it insulting when someone offers me a $4 job they want me to drive to and then go home and file reports...... There are some other good companies out there that pay well if you hold out accepting a job till the rate goes up..... CRI is a good one. I have found that there's pretty good $$ in merchandising and doing DEMO's. Hang in there...
Market Force is still a good company to do work for although their shop fees are low. I only accept jobs where the shop fee is twice the reimbursement or close to it. I also take into account fuel costs. If I do not like what they are offering I just move on to another company. I am never out of work.
Can someone tell me how to accept shops on Market Force, I received Emails, and I cannot apply for the shops. It's driving me nuts. Please help.
Go to MarketForce's official site and click on a link on the left side of the home page - WebFC Select Shops. Shops available to you will then show, and if any are of interest, click on Details/Select.
Mantis Wrote:
> I'm glad I passed. I received some "Shop Offer(s)
> From Samantha!" this morning, offering fat bonuses
> of 50 cents and $1 on several FF shops. I might
> have bitten if the locations were around the
> corner, but they weren't. So, I just checked the
> job board, and what do I find? *All* of the FF
> shops are currently bonused $1.50. I'd be peeved
> if I had fallen prey to that cheap seductress and
> her low-ball offer.
> Incidentally, it's odd that the bonuses are
> appearing so soon. I'm gonna hold out for a while
> longer and see how good it gets. I'd much rather
> do one for $20-something, than 3 at $7.50 each...

It is Christmas time, The shops are bonused to have the holiday off.
LOL Market Force is a joke!!! My nephew had just completed 250 shops for them, never a problem, and he got booted with no reason other than he was either "Over or under critical." No answer but that one even afer several times when he tried to find out why... Then a few months later, after I had completed over 500 shops for them, they cut me off with no warning, no problem shops or anything... Same reason that they gave my nephew and then when I kept sending emails wanting to know why, they sent me another copy and paste response that stated that it was a "Secret" and that they could not tell me why they deactivated me due to the nature of the business... What a ton of bull. But they still send me notices for bonus shops and to fill out their surveys!!!! Wasn't a bad company to work for until they just DEACTIVATE you for no good reason... Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted...
Who is Samantha and with what firm. I just did a shop(s) for Insular Research first time with the copy, I received me check 2 weeks later. Want a faster paycheck work with this company,.
Merry Christmas!!!
I have done shops for MF before and then one shop I had several months ago they said the owner of the company said that I did not do the shop right and then they stated that I sent in the wrong receipt but I did not so they told me I could not do any shops at all for this company. I guess it is all about making the client happy.
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