Mantis Wrote:
> I'm glad I passed. I received some "Shop Offer(s)
> From Samantha!" this morning, offering fat bonuses
> of 50 cents and $1 on several FF shops. I might
> have bitten if the locations were around the
> corner, but they weren't. So, I just checked the
> job board, and what do I find? *All* of the FF
> shops are currently bonused $1.50. I'd be peeved
> if I had fallen prey to that cheap seductress and
> her low-ball offer.
> Incidentally, it's odd that the bonuses are
> appearing so soon. I'm gonna hold out for a while
> longer and see how good it gets. I'd much rather
> do one for $20-something, than 3 at $7.50 each...
It is Christmas time, The shops are bonused to have the holiday off.