I am glad that you recovered the relationship with EPMS. They can burn in a hole as far as I am concerned.
jersey07032 Wrote:
> I read a lot on the forum about EPMS. I agree
> their reports are insane. I won't take a shop
> unless it is bonused because I know the reports
> are a PITA. However, I also read a lot about
> their lack of professionalism. I am dealing with
> them now about a shop I screwed up. I messed up
> on the phone part. I have to tell you, I cannot
> imagine how they could be more fair. They have
> asked me to redo the part I screwed up, told me
> they will be making note of this, and to be
> careful in the future. I have been warned that if
> I repeat this mistake, my pay will be deducted in
> the future. I screwed up. There is no question.
> If they told me the shop was not being used, they
> would be within their rights. So, the fact that
> they are willing to work with me leads me to
> believe they are free. I would love to know what
> other people have experienced and why they seem to
> be on a lot of shoppers' S-list.
> Also, I read the same about Maritz. I really hate
> their shops and take very few. But that does not
> make them unprofessional. As an IC I am free to
> take or leave their shops. Having said that, I
> recently did a rebrand. One of the photos was not
> adequate. I got confused. The editor was not
> happy. And I got upset, thinking I would not be
> paid, etc. When we both calmed down, I asked her
> how she wanted me to proceed. I was driving and
> getting more upset by the minute, but then I
> calmed down. I got home and called her. She walked
> me through what she wanted. Nothing could have
> been more fair. I am not sure I will do that shop
> again, especially because winter is coming and I
> don't like the idea of standing outside taking
> photos, but heck. They worked with me, especially
> after I calmed down.
> So, in both cases, what's the beef? Just curious.