Reality Based

I did my first steak shop last night. Fantastic food, very easy report. Reality doesn't have anything else posted in my area at the moment. I'll keep looking.

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suzieboz Wrote:
> That steakhouse is my families' new favorite place
> to eat. Goodbye Outback!

Ohhh, but suzie! Outback has the shrimp thing with the sauce and the yummmmm.
But that states roadhouse has marinated mushrooms in garlic to put on my 9.99 11 oz sirloin with horseradish sauce and fish bowl sized margaritas!

Seriously - the last 3 times we have been to our local Outback I wished that I had been shopping them because they would have failed from the phone call to the rest room check!
suzieboz Wrote:
> But that states roadhouse has marinated mushrooms
> in garlic to put on my 9.99 11 oz sirloin with
> horseradish sauce and fish bowl sized margaritas!
> Seriously - the last 3 times we have been to our
> local Outback I wished that I had been shopping
> them because they would have failed from the phone
> call to the rest room check!

DOH! Failing the rest room check is not yum =X

May your mushrooms never falter!
suzieboz Wrote:
> Seriously - the last 3 times we have been to our
> local Outback I wished that I had been shopping
> them because they would have failed from the phone
> call to the rest room check!

AGREE! They were so terrible on my first and last time there the other night, they got my professional report for free via one of those "Tell us how we did" on the receipt. Can't take the shopper out of the girl!
I've done two shops for them over the past month, schedulers were easy to work with. Haven't been paid for the first shop yet but it's still before the expected pay date (according to the guidelines the 20th of the month following the shop). Their valet shop was incredibly easy, the retail shop was somewhat more in depth (for less pay). Overall I'm happy.

I shop in Pac NW
Do they have shops in Toronto, Ontario? I did not see this company in the list by JacobJ.
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