Andrienne, I received an email the other day indicating that these shops would be posted to the InTouch site in the future. It left me wondering:
1) Does this mean that they will NOT be on the Experience Exchange website as well?
2) When is this likely to occur?
3) Will the posting schedule remain the same?
4) Is there going to be some reasonable way of sorting the shops since there will be more than 700 of them post at once? (The screen will only return 100 at a time it would appear.)
I look at the site and I see 2 shops for my state but no real way to sort for distance. My city name is often misspelled or abbreviated so I could readily need to search 4 times by name just to find shops by city name. Since I do shops in 7 separately named 'cities' around me, two of which also are variously spelled from time to time, a sort by name could get truly tedious.