Mystery Shopping - Detroit Metro Area

I need to know of companies doing mystery shops in the Detroit Metro area. I only know of one doing them consistently. I've signed up for many companies but they are never doing shops in my area. How can I find out about more?

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I'm in Metro Detroit too. I have found companies that have shops here just by signing up with a ton of companies and checking job boards.

Silver certified with a PV-500
Shopping Michigan and beyond
liquidslap Wrote:
> I need to know of companies doing mystery shops in
> the Detroit Metro area. I only know of one doing
> them consistently. I've signed up for many
> companies but they are never doing shops in my
> area. How can I find out about more?

How many is "many"? If it's less than, say, 50 or 60, keep going. Read the forums, find the companies with good feedback, sign up.
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