I do care...used to care a heck of a lot more. but I have learned when there are inconsistencies and contradictions in the ratings, such as we have all seen, something is amiss. So, I take the ratings with a big grain of salt. I don't ignore them, but I don't dwell on them. When I get a critique, I always try to learn from it. As I have said, the problem I find with these ratings is they are often--not always, but very often--extremely subjective and arbitrary. I did ten shops for a particular project for Bare. Several of the shops got ratings of 7, the rest got ratings of 10. The shops were essentially the same. I still don't know why I got a 7 for one and a 10 for another. I have learned nothing. So, in this--and other instances--I find the ratings to be a whole bunch of hooey. I care what others think of the quality of my work--to an extent. However, I have learned in life that what others think of my work is of less importance than knowing in my heart I have done the best job I can. When I am sure I have given it my all, I am content--whether I get a 7 or a 10. Also--as I have said--I come from this from an educator's point of view, as well as a shoppers. As an educator, I would never give a student a C on one paper (a 7) and a A on another (a 10) for essentially the same work and/or if the rationale for the ratings wasn't consistant and justifiable.
Take what you like and leave the rest.
vsorrentino Wrote:
> jersey07032 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > lordy people. you're still getting paid. I now
> > laugh when I get an 8. usually it is from
> Bare,
> > and the criticism usually points to a "problem
> > with syntax." I once asked someone to explain
> and
> > she couldn't. I read and re-read their
> directions
> > and half the time they are grammatically
> > incorrect. LOL But Bare continues to give me
> > shops--lots of them--and they pay what and when
> > they say they will. Since I don't change
> anything
> > and get a 10 the next time, I don't let the
> rating
> > bother me. I am less interested in getting a
> gold
> > star than in getting my money. All these
> stories
> > about calling someone and getting a rating
> changed
> > tells me one thing: the ratings don't mean that
> > much anyway. I actually did ask a scheduler
> about
> > a rating. She told me she would be happy to
> change
> > it because it didn't really matter. This was
> from
> > a scheduler! I KNOW there are exceptions: I
> > believe some companies allow shoppers with
> higher
> > ratings to auto-assign some shops. I guess I
> would
> > focus on my ratings with those companies
> because
> > they do have a slight impact. For the most
> part,
> > let's keep it in perspective, folks. We shop
> for
> > money--not for ratings. If anyone disagrees,
> > please send me your shopper fees. I will send
> you
> > a 9 or a 10 depending on how much it is and how
> > quickly you send it. I take payment in the form
> of
> > checks, direct deposit, Paypal, cash, and gold.
> > LOL
> If these companies employ people to "score"
> reports then my work being scored is of
> importance. Your comments come across as if you
> don't care what others think about YOUR work long
> as you get paid. Some of us DO care about the
> quality of our work. Additionally, if others are
> being paid to "score" it, I care if they can't
> recognize quality when they see it.