My response to that statement is "how about doing your bleeping job that my tax dollars pay for?" Sorry, but when I see cops sitting around and then ask this its ridiculous. My ex brother in law robbed my house, I reported it, got my items back from the pawn shop - with my own money - and when I went to the police to find out what they were doing I was told that since I had already recovered most of my items the charge was now a misdemeanor and they didn't have time for that.
I told him to shove the donut he was dreaming about up his a**.
ymmud Wrote:
> I also had one of the Western Union rip-off
> invitations and took all of the information that I
> could get and went to the State police and the
> leiutenant was very polite and looked it over and
> more or less said, " So what am I supposed to do
> with this?"
> I REALLY had to bite my tongue to keep from
> telling him what to do with it,LOL.