How To Complete Bare International Shops?

Laguna, you still have not told us what happened. That makes your claims very suspect. no one here works for Bare and I , for one, don't like them, but not because they don'y pay their shoppers or try to scam them.

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I don't know that there exists a single company that has not had issues with some shopper's shop at some time and rejected the report. It really does not matter who was right or wrong and we are not here to play judge and jury anyway. But if each one of us for each shop that was ever rejected ran out to post a half dozen time that the company was a scammer we would get nowhere fast. And I'm sure we could Google and find on the web somebody who claimed every single company was a scam based on their rejected work. That is why it is so important when shops are rejected to do a little introspection, tighten your suspenders and go work with someone else. But if I heeded every shopper's scream of "SCAM" I would never perform a single shop.
Perhaps a scammer used Bare's name. Unfortunately, that happens often. Almost every MSP's home page has such warnings to shoppers. It's important to do your research.

Bare does not scam. I have shopped for them for many years. If the guidelines are ever "vague" or there's any question in your mind, contact the scheduler before you do the shop. Follow the guidelines, report accordingly and Bare will pay you.
Laguna Wrote:
> Not trying to offend anyone. I apologize to Flash.
> He jumped right on to defend Bare, so I assumed he
> works for them. I was simply trying to share my
> bad experience with Bare International, that is
> all. Glad you all got paid, I didn't. Just google
> Bare International Scams and you will see for
> yourselves that there are many others who got
> scammed. Thank you!

Hey Laguna,

I'm not sure what happened, but I understand what you're saying-- that you're not trying to offend anyone and that you're just trying to help people. It really sucks that you _feel_ like you got ripped off by BARE. I can say that I've worked with them and at a time, when I was brand new, and felt like I was getting ripped off at a point, I was wrong. The company worked with me and we both worked together to try to fix the issue. Regardless, that's _my_ experience, not yours.

I'm sorry they upset you. The best I can offer is my sympathy and the advice that was offered to me when I posted a month or so ago. Go to them, work with the right people (Jason Bare would be my advice) and try to rectify the situation. Maybe that'll meet with a better end. =)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2011 07:59PM by jentodd.
Laguna Wrote:
> I am not bad mounting Flash. I am giving the
> facts.

That's the problem here, Laguna - you HAVEN'T given any facts. You have just repeated "scam, scam, scam, they don't pay."

Obviously, your payment is not just late or you would be asking for a payment contact. So payment has been denied. For what reason? If you truly want to warn other shoppers and you want your advice to been heeded, you might post a reasonable post and actually provide facts. For example: what Bare shop did you do? What reason did Bare give for non-payment? When did they tell you that you were not being paid? What part of Bare's directions did you not follow?

By just repeatedly saying that a MSP has scammed you by not paying but giving no facts, you are merely bad-mouthing the company. That gives you no credibility at all. You signed up at the forum 24 hours ago and have made 11 posts - all blasting Bare with no facts given or arguing with another poster for "defending" Bare. Have you shopped for any other companies? Do you like any MSPs?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2011 10:00PM by AustinMom.
TO: Laguna Wrote:
who wrote a negative

How many shops did you do for them b4 you decided that they aren't paying you? Usally the norm is 2. but to do five....that seems strange.

Were the five done in one day? Vioation. Did you and your twin have your time limits between shops accurately. if not violation. Did you and your twin conduct personal business. violation. Did you read the guidelines? It seems that the guidelines are revised almost every 2 -3 months, so maybe You missed an important fact. Did you find the form or forms they asked about? Did you cut and paste your response to the survey? Did you use the wrong packaging? or did you do an age complaint shop and you and your twin got sobblered and they had to give you a ride home and then canned you and your twin.

One thing you don't mention is whether Bare has deactivated you or not. Apparently you still shop for them. As long as you follow the guidelines they will pay you.
I have only been mystery shopping for a relatively short time, and I have been with Bare for an even shorter time. However, in that short time Bare gas been a good company with regular payments. I suggest that if you aren't clear about anything you should e-mail the particular scheduler to see what the requiremnts are BEFORE you accept the shop. The Bare schedulers will get back to you promptly (and cheerfully) and clarify your questions. If necessary to clarify, you can e-mail another time (but don't get out of hand with repetitive e-mails). I feel that perhaps your shops were unclarified and that is why you had the payment problems. Just a thought.
Just in general, if ANY of us have a problem with a company, it doesn't mean they're "scammers" and if anyone defends a company, it doesn't mean that they're an employee. The majority of people on this board are shoppers.

Specifically in regard to Bare, most people here have had favorable experiences. Personally, they're not my favorite company, but they are definitely NOT scammers. Laguna, you haven't really told us what happened, but it sounds like the shop was not conducted according to guidelines. True that many shops are rejected on that basis, and also true that guidelines are frequently ill-written, vague and even contradictory. I've come to expect that, so I do my best to try and clear up any discrepancies prior to doing the shop.
Does it take an IQ of 100 to comprehend how to do a Bare shop.
It is easy. They have three types of postal shops ie: a dimensional weight shop that must be sent to a food bank. The post office sells dim weight boxes and they pay you back for them...A ready post shop is where you buy boxes or envelopes and put 10oz into them and a regular shop is where you use your own box. They always pay on time, properly and will work out any problems that may occur. Anyone who is slamming this company has his/her head in her neither regions and it is stuck there. If you are going to slam someone,(and that is OK) find a real skunk and then stick it to him here. Bare does not qualify for your vituperative comment.
While I like getting e-mail shop offers especially when the subject line gives me all of the necessary info to make a decision, I also check the job boards, especially helpful if I'm traveling.

On these mailing shops aren't we to buy services such as insurance etc. only if asked? Otherwise it constitutes a personal errand, non?

The guidelines do change, so be aware, the A & B shop package weight is now up to 18oz minimum. The A&B shops neither require the Clerk's name nor allow gender references, sometimes making the narrative challenging.

The newest rule with half an hour between shops is frustrating as I'm more concerned about being seen sitting in my car for fifteen minutes. How weird is that? The client's reasoning seems odd.I'm still trying to figure out how the Clerks know which other facility to call and warn that I'll soon be arriving.
Like clockwork, on the tenth, I used to get monthly announcements from Bare that monies were deposited (by the 12Th) into my bank account, weekends excepted. October and November the announcement and deposit came later.

NOW, today the 19th of December, nada, nothing, nekas, rien!

Am I the only one out here who's not gotten paid from Bare for November?

Anyone know who to contact beside my scheduler, (who's not returning my phone call)?
marijaldm Wrote:
> Like clockwork, on the tenth, I used to get
> monthly announcements from Bare that monies were
> deposited (by the 12Th) into my bank account,
> weekends excepted. October and November the
> announcement and deposit came later.
> NOW, today the 19th of December, nada, nothing,
> nekas, rien!
> Am I the only one out here who's not gotten paid
> from Bare for November?
> Anyone know who to contact beside my scheduler,
> (who's not returning my phone call)?

ME TOO. And wesure need it this week. ??
eastcoastsuzy Wrote:
> I've had great experiences working for Bare. One
> of my favorites.

That was not the subject of my letter!
I've liked them too. One of my favorite all time shops was with BARE.
sorry marij, I'm just going by my own experience. sorry you're waiting for money, that sucks.
cynb Wrote:
> marijaldm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Like clockwork, on the tenth, I used to get
> > monthly announcements from Bare that monies
> were
> > deposited (by the 12Th) into my bank account,
> > weekends excepted. October and November the
> > announcement and deposit came later.
> >
> > NOW, today the 19th of December, nada, nothing,
> > nekas, rien!
> >
> > Am I the only one out here who's not gotten
> paid
> > from Bare for November?
> >
> > Anyone know who to contact beside my scheduler,
> > (who's not returning my phone call)?
> ME TOO. And wesure need it this week. ??
> cyn
Absolutely. Here we are laying out money for shipping costs on their behalf and this "nice", "lovely" "the best" etc company, probably jillionaires won't reciprocate and do the right thing.
Thank you for commiserating. Let's stay in touch.
marijaldm Wrote:
> cynb Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > marijaldm Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Like clockwork, on the tenth, I used to get
> > > monthly announcements from Bare that monies
> > were
> > > deposited (by the 12Th) into my bank account,
> > > weekends excepted. October and November the
> > > announcement and deposit came later.
> > >
> > > NOW, today the 19th of December, nada,
> nothing,
> > > nekas, rien!
> > >
> > > Am I the only one out here who's not gotten
> > paid
> > > from Bare for November?
> > >
> > > Anyone know who to contact beside my
> scheduler,
> > > (who's not returning my phone call)?
> >
> >
> > ME TOO. And wesure need it this week. ??
> > cyn
> Absolutely. Here we are laying out money for
> shipping costs on their behalf and this "nice",
> "lovely" "the best" etc company, probably
> jillionaires won't reciprocate and do the right
> thing.
> Thank you for commiserating. Let's stay in touch.

Yes, let's stay in touch. Feel free to PM me. I am going to investigate further. I think previously when I was looking at the Bare site they indicated a max of 30 days. My 30 are not quite up. If I find out anything more I will get back to you. And yeah, We are putting cash out there in good faith. I am most annoyed by schedulers not getting back about a pay issue. I have had to check on a couple recently because of the lovely HOLIDAY expenses and the other MSC schedulers got back to me right away. We deserve at least that.

Later cyn
cynb Wrote:
> marijaldm Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > cynb Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > marijaldm Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Like clockwork, on the tenth, I used to get
> > > > monthly announcements from Bare that monies
> > > were
> > > > deposited (by the 12Th) into my bank
> account,
> > > > weekends excepted. October and November the
> > > > announcement and deposit came later.
> > > >
> > > > NOW, today the 19th of December, nada,
> > nothing,
> > > > nekas, rien!
> > > >
> > > > Am I the only one out here who's not gotten
> > > paid
> > > > from Bare for November?
> > > >
> > > > Anyone know who to contact beside my
> > scheduler,
> > > > (who's not returning my phone call)?
> > >
> > >
> > > ME TOO. And wesure need it this week. ??
> > > cyn
> > Absolutely. Here we are laying out money for
> > shipping costs on their behalf and this "nice",
> > "lovely" "the best" etc company, probably
> > jillionaires won't reciprocate and do the right
> > thing.
> > Thank you for commiserating. Let's stay in
> touch.
> Yes, let's stay in touch. Feel free to PM me. I
> am going to investigate further. I think
> previously when I was looking at the Bare site
> they indicated a max of 30 days. My 30 are not
> quite up. If I find out anything more I will get
> back to you. And yeah, We are putting cash out
> there in good faith. I am most annoyed by
> schedulers not getting back about a pay issue. I
> have had to check on a couple recently because of
> the lovely HOLIDAY expenses and the other MSC
> schedulers got back to me right away. We deserve
> at least that.
> Later cyn

Sadly, too many schedulers etc. disrespect us. They see themselves as the brains and can't get it through their heads that we are the heart, without us no blood flow!
My experience teaches me that without a heart you can get brain dead.

Update: I did today get an e-mail saying that a DD was made on the Sat. the 17th, but nothing in the bank yet!
Flash Wrote:
> In your profile, look at "Additional Information"

Thanks Flash I will check it. Hoping you have holiday fun.
I love working for BARE! Great company, great experience! I had a shop excluded, (not paid) because of a mistake I MADE. I understood I messed up, and did not expect to be paid, and didn't do it again. Secret: READ and clearly understand the instructions. Missing one detail was my mistake. Learned my lesson. LOVE Bare!
Question: I am leaving town in January? Can I sign up for jobs in Northern California and do some shops up there? Think I will check with schedulers before I try it. Or perhaps someone here knows the answer? : )
MsLynn, you can sign up for assignments anywhere as long as the assignments are there to be had and you are able to be in the area to do them.
You can sign up and/or request jobs wherever you want. Just be sure you have the capability to take care of the reports. Laptop, WiFi or an aircard, timesmiling smiley, etc.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Laguna you are way off base when it comes to Bare International. I have done many shops for them and if there is a problem they will contact you for more information. The guidelines that I read from Bare and their client are not hard to understand. The scheduler I contact ifI have a question or problem is very helpful and nice. I donm't know who you scheduler is, but you mst have said smething to set him off like you say. Maybe just maybe you need to look into the mirror and see if it wasn't you who started the problem. And NO I DON'T WORK FOR BARE I AM A SHOPPER. Before I retired from my last job as a Correctiions Officer I learned quite a bit abouy how to handle situations maybe you need to learn that before you spouting your attitude that Bare is a SCAM no they aren't.
I have shopped for Bare here in northern Manitoba and the shipping ones they have us do we can ONLY send to the address they give, we cannot send to a real address, so basically I am shipping a box of recycled flyers from my mailbox everytime as I don't want to send anything valuable into the blue!

As for being paid, I have never had a problem with them in the 7 years or more I have shopped for them.
I just got paid for five of the shops I completed this month. Four of them allowed me to mail my daughter's holiday treats as part of the shop. the other shop was a shipment to a food bank with food purchased for free on coupon deals. Win Win! That said, it is easy to mix up the various scenarios and make a mistake. I didn't get paid for one shop because I did the wrong scenario. Ship happens winking smiley
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