That's a pretty crappy thing to have happened. I would have argued it up the ladder. YOU are not responsible for whether the associate wore the right name tag. It could be as simple as he couldn't find his and took someone's just so he had one on. If a regional manager was stopping by, he might have been told to wear one just so it looked good. Or he might've worn the wrong one because some managers tip off their associates about when a shopper will be coming. Maybe it was a mind game. Whatever it was, with a physical description, they should've been able to narrow it down. Either the client or the company should've sucked it up and paid for it. Then the client could've reamed out the store for the employee having the wrong name tag.
This is also an excellent example of why to get more than they want. I *always* get the race, gender, age, height, weight, hair color/style/length, glasses or not, tats or not, etc. I'll also note what they were wearing. If they're too obtuse to figure it out by the physical description alone, most stores have cameras nowadays and can refer back to the video.
Sorry that happened to you!
angela1472 Wrote:
> EddyLee, I'm sorry for the experience you had. I
> had something similar happen to me...(note I said
> similar, not the same). I was doing a shop and I
> got the Associate's name & a description. I got
> his name because he was wearing a nametag.
> However, after I was done with my report & had
> submitted it, I received an email from the editor
> asking me to clarify his name. So, I checked my
> shop report to make sure I didn't make a mistake &
> reported it back to them. The next day I received
> another email telling me that the name I had given
> wasn't working on the day I did my shop & the
> client refused to accept my shop! I was so
> pissed!! Maybe the associate had been wearing
> someone else's nametag because they forgot
> theirs?!? I don't know what exactly happened, and
> I probably never will. However, I didn't like the
> fact that they were implying that I had lied about
> the name & therefore refused my shop!