raisitup Wrote:
> There are numerous opportunities on a daily basis
> here to help people out, and I take my fair share,
> if not more. There are also those times when
> things just don't add up. This happens to be one
> of those times, and in this case it's not even a
> request for help, it's a vent that doesn't add up.
> I had this feeling early on and got a PM from a
> longer term forum member who made some "historical
> observations" (translation: hit the Search button)
> that were in line with my comments here.
> I'm all about helping. I'm not all about
> cheerleading those who seek consolation while (in
> my opinion) leaving out parts of the story. I
> explained why I believe what I believe. It isn't
> based on emotion, I just put the pieces together
> and saw that they don't fit. My background is in
> the armored car business. Between hundreds of
> interviews of both prospective employees and
> suspected (and in most cases, eventually admitted)
> thieves I have a finely honed BS detector.
> Believe it or not it's even easier for written
> exhibits
> (http://www.lsiscan.com/intro_to_scan.htm)
Indeed, I've noticed your trying to help out. Thing is, you're still a newbie at this business but you act as if you know everything about everything. Replying to every post does not make you an expert - it just makes you someone who has a lot of time on their hands.
PM from longtime member? How endearing that some are talking about others behind their backs. I have a feeling I know exactly who you're gossiping with. When someone pulls that crap with me, I put an end to it. We're all adults here and there's no need for high-school, behind-the-scenes gossip and drama.
As for using the search feature to find all of EddyLee's old posts and use those to judge his present and future posts - that says a lot.
I don't mean to pick at you. Your statement that EddyLee may have been the worst shopper the salesperson had ever dealt with struck a nerve. EddyLee's story made perfect sense to me. You say there are holes but don't say what they may be. EddyLee has answered every question posed to him in regards to this particular subject with perfect clarity. Your attitude to this member is what doesn't add up to me. Maybe your BS meter needs to be recalibrated.