Quest for Best

Has anyone done the Quest for Best auto dealership shops? They look so different from other companies'. I really like this company and have worked with them for many women's retail shops and they just started offering auto shops here. Thanks much for any input!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2011 04:34PM by sun&fun.

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I have. Good Pay and Decent Report.

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
Thank ya! Think I'll check out the brand new Lincoln's!

OOPS! - Looks like I posted this question in the wrong section - should have gone under MS Co. discussion smiling smiley.
They were on my #1 list for a few years, and when their famous high tech furniture store was lost, they have no jobs here. I really enjoyed working for them, and miss them.

Live consciously....
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> They were on my #1 list for a few years, and when
> their famous high tech furniture store was lost,
> they have no jobs here. I really enjoyed working
> for them, and miss them.

They still have those shops in my area.
Last time I (tried) to do one, drove over to Santa Monica (60 miles rd. trip) to find store boarded up, client didn't tell MSC and I was paid anyway, but, the two stores they had here both closed. Certainly doesn't mean they have closed all their stores, but in L.A., they did.

Live consciously....
LisaAlso Wrote:
> I signed up a while ago but they have never had
> any jobs within 90 miles of me.

That could be the case, but as far as I know, the job board is inactive, and shops are only offered via email. I have found them responsive though, so it wouldn't hurt to email them to ask if they do have jobs in your area. I did that awhile ago, and got confirmation that they only do one shop in my area.
I would think if they had jobs in our areas, we'd get an email like so many other MCS's do...I was very friendly with my scheduler, and can't see they just leaving shoppers in the dark. My guess is, no emails, no jobs.

Live consciously....
I don't know what they base it on, but that's definitely not the case. I was signed up probably close to a year (if not more) before I got my first email. I know how often rotation is, as well as the number of stores in my area, and I have not heard a peep from them for about five or six months.
They send emails when there are jobs in your area. They're on the Prophet system. BUT I cover the entire Tampa Bay area and they just have the one small womens' clothing store offered. I just think they're a very small company. So I was excited to see the car dealership offered. GREAT COMPANY like you wrote Irene - I hope they are expanding!
We agree, emails go out, at least they used to when there were jobs. They are a small firm, hopfully they'll get more next year.

sun&fun Wrote:
> They send emails when there are jobs in your area.
> They're on the Prophet system. BUT I cover the
> entire Tampa Bay area and they just have the one
> small womens' clothing store offered. I just think
> they're a very small company. So I was excited to
> see the car dealership offered. GREAT COMPANY like
> you wrote Irene - I hope they are expanding!

Live consciously....
I just signed up with them three weeks ago. Nothing yet, I guess I shouldn't hold my breath.
They seem to have jobs in No. CA, not So. CA...or at least in L.A. County. There is something 60 miles one way, no thanks.

Live consciously....
mmmfong, three weeks isn't long to not been offered a shop with a small company like this. They're not a huge company that has shops everywhere continually like CORI & Marketforce. But they're worth being patient for. Above average pay, in about 1 month, easy to reschedule if needed, reports are reasonable, etc.
The pay's above the current average for the industry, it arrives near the 20th of the following month and the reports are quite reasonable in time. I've completed 297 assignments for this MSC, met the owner on several occasions and the scheduler is first rate.
I check with them at least twice a day and they have nothing in the Bay area NorCal .I'll keep looking.
I have done several shop for Quest and have nothing but good things to say for them.
The only bad thing is that there aren't more shops avilable in my area.
sun&fun Thank ya! Think I'll check out the brand new Lincoln's!

OOPS! - Looks like I posted this question in the wrong section - should have gone under MS Co. discussion smiling smiley.

please remove the dealership brand name from the discussion... ms company's and the clients are not to be listed together in the same thread... ICA agreement et al...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Interesting, they are actively recruiting in my region, but I have not been offered any jobs with them. I registered over 9 months ago. Hmm...

Shopping Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco, and surrounding cities.
They have only had women's clothing stores in my area and just got an e-mail for a highly bonused dealership shop which I thought was odd because I have never seen this job come up before. I was a little leary since I've never worked for this company but I think I'll go ahead and do it.

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
Are you asking about getting an assignment for this company or in general?

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
yeah mine is offering a $30 bonus and $30 pay...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
holy cow that was easy... i think the form took less than 10 minutes... props to these people...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
sun&fun Wrote:
> Has anyone done the Quest for Best auto dealership
> shops? They look so different from other
> companies'. I really like this company and have
> worked with them for many women's retail shops and
> they just started offering auto shops here. Thanks
> much for any input!

Hey sun!

I did this shop this week and it was fun and easy. I called the dealership, made an apt with one of the approved "dealers" from their list. You have to call Quest and talk with someone (I talked with Nancy, very nice) and go over the specs again (whether it's a phone, nav, or music shop). When you call to set the apt, make _sure_ sure they have the car Quest wants you to look at. If they don't have the right year or model, it might risk your report. Anyway, you go to the dealership, you see the car, and hope they have the right devices set up to give you a demonstration (mine didn't, but it doesn't matter as far as the report is concerned-- it gives you "outs" in case you the dealer wasn't prepared). Anyway, the report is a little comprehensive, but you're seeing a lot of things and they seem to need the information for the client. =)

All in all, a good, fun shop! I hope, if you decide to try it, you have fun.
Just picked up my first shop for Quest for the Best, and I have a question. Thought I would ask here first. I was asked to pick a specific date for the shop, and then a specific time. Seemed weird to me. Is it ok if I get there later or earlier than I said? The shop gave a time frame of when it should be completed. If I said I would arrive at 3:00, but then don't get there until 3:19, are we going to have problems???
I have done two shops for this MSC. For both I had to pick the time, but the scheduler told me it didn't matter (I was trying to change the time and couldn't). I did my shop and had no problem. Had no problem with the first one, either. These are fast food shops, one drive through, one sit in. Both extremely low pressure. The reports were a snap. I wish they had more shops in my area. This one is out of the way but close to a friend, so I justify the travel time.
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