Anyone shop with them? How are they as a company? I noticed they want me to fill out a W-9 form and fax/mail before I am accepted. I tried a search, but nothing came up.


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I like them a lot they do some candle shops and sporting good stores; always pay on time by the 15th but you do have to do that W-9 form for them I'd highly recommend them.
This is one of my favorite companies. No hassles, straightforward reporting and some interesting shops. Pay is reliable and monthly.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
AustinMom Wrote:
> One of my favorites, although they do not have a
> huge crop of assignments.

Same here. I love them and would never have found them except for the posts on the board.
Um, a little help please? I don't see an "ICU" or anything that fits those letters on the Oh-fficial list.
Thanks suzieboz....

Hmmmm, it's on Prophet....
"fax or mail signed paperwork"???

El Oh El, pass.
I love them - however "no available assignments" in your area seems to plague me sometimes.
dkk5685 Wrote:
> I love them - however "no available assignments"
> in your area seems to plague me sometimes.

I've had that lately. I usually do at least a few assignments for them each month, but there has been nothing since August.
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