Remembered at a shop

I was doing some personal shopping at a big box electronic store where I did one of my first mystery shops. You know the ones...two different departments with scenarios, blah, blah. I ran into the salesman I shopped in the large appliance department and not only did he greet me by name (!) but remembered what appliance I was shopping for and wanted to know if I was ready to buy!!

Holy Smokes!! He wanted to help me with whatever I was shopping for today, took me to the products and told me which ones were the best and on sale. He had done a great job during the MS, and now I see he has an incredible memory too.

I have never had a salesperson remember like that before. But since there is only one of these stores within a 50 mile radius of me, I'll have to keep doing my shopping there. Guess I won't ever MS the store again though!

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WOW! You must be very pretty! Nice compliment! Hey, get one of those pair of glasses with the mustache. LOL!
sounds like an incredible sales person...

there are a ton of things you can do to change your appearence... take off your glasses or wear contacks... have a large hat on if its sunny out... use different make up... wear an eye patch or a wig... women can do more than men...

or you could just keep talking with this guy... if its a small place and you dont know the guy personally it wont matter...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Unfortunately, there are more ways to recognize someone than just facial appearance. I often recognize people by their voice, their walk, etc. It can help to alter hairstyles, makeup, glasses or not, but it doesn't always mean you won't be remembered!
I think he recognized me once before, offering a surprised "hi!" I think he is just very good at remembering people and is probably pretty successful in his job.
I had that happen to me once, a few months ago. The associate said something like, "Well, when you were here last time..." and I just looked at him quizzically. I got away with it, but I won't be shopping that store again. Not a place where there's a lot of turnover.
That happened to me at a shop. I had gone back three months later, and the associate asked me if I had been there before because I looked familiar. I told him that it must have been my cousin because we almost look alike. It made me very uncomfortable, so I won't be going there anymore.
I often wonder how many times I'm recognized. How many times can you be thinking about buying a printer? I have had that job so many time with so many companies its amazing they don't just meet me in the printer department and say this is the one you've been looking at - its on sale today!

~~*~~*~~*~~ kal ~~*~~*~~*~~
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just forget to load the film.
Yeah happened w/me @ coach. This is a purchase &re and some stores keep a record of that and it will pop up on the POS. I think I am done w/ this for the time being.Meaning this shop. Does not pay that much - a good one to do on a mall run, though.
Honestly my wife buys so much stuff at clothing stores/websites and then returns them in store that I'm sure she's considered Mystery Shopper #1. :-)
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