klhofbauer Wrote:
> I'm thinking.. yup, a troll.
> Call me naive maybe, or lacking empathy, but I
> fail to see how this scam still makes people fall
> for it?? Any ideas?
> I guess, I am on the computer, and I see the news,
> I read the news, I read forums, I don't know, but
> - how do people keep falling for these scams?
> Don't they read? Are they really this gullible?
> I'm not trying to be mean here, I'm trying to
> UNDERSTAND why on earth someone would think they
> get some huge check in the mail and have to send
> it to someone and get a little "commission" out of
> it?
> Is it because I'm normally a skeptical and cynical
> person? My husband, bless his heart, he ALWAYS
> brings in the mail and shows me these "Free Cruise
> 2 nights 3 days - NO STRINGS" or "YOU'RE APPROVED
> for a NEW CAR" - oh, you know those things that
> come in the mail.
> I pull it out of his hands, toss it in the trash,
> and say, "Scam", "Nope, not true", "Scam, Scam".
> He looks at me, "How do you know?" I say,
> "Because I'm a negative person and nothing in life
> is free and you're too trusting."
I think it was PT Barnum that said. "There is a sucker born every minute!"
The day you stand in front of a fireplace and say "give me heat and I will go out and chop some logs later" and get heat before you chop those logs, that is the day you can believe the checks will be good.
You have to chop a few logs before you get some fire.