Unreadable name tag

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Long hair covers name tags, I'll smile and ask, what is your name (then say), thanks so much Jennifer.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2011 06:56PM by Irene_L.A..
Unless the MSC instructs you otherwise, simply ask them. If you make it sound casual they won't know you are a mystery shopper.
if they are young I'll usually ask "are you Taylor, Megan's brother? You look just like my daughter's friend." Usually they will say no I'm blank. If they don't I'll ask their name.

~~*~~*~~*~~ kal ~~*~~*~~*~~
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just forget to load the film.
no no autumn was just giving you a scenario... if i were you i would edit that out... no need to have full names on here...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
Jeneverre Wrote:
> If you can't read a name tag is turned, how would
> you obtain the name of the employee?

I like the ideas given. I sometimes jst say that they were not wearing a tag and give a physical description, time, date and place.

I usually say, you were so helpful what is your name? After she tells me, I say thank you and her name. That has worked well for me. Not sure if that line would work for someone who was not helpful at all. LOL
"Hi, I am a specialist with the Acme Name Tag Company. I couldn't help but notice that you do not wear one. Was yours not comfortable or were you just too lazy to pin it on today? Please give me your name and I'll have a sample sent to you next week."
I know it may sound risky, but after a conversation with the employee, if I can't see the tag or it's crooked, I fix it for them.

"Oh something isn't right here. Let me help you. There! Oh Mary! Mary was my grandmother's name. So pretty!"

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
richraynor Wrote:
> "Hi, I am a specialist with the Acme Name Tag
> Company. I couldn't help but notice that you do
> not wear one. Was yours not comfortable or were
> you just too lazy to pin it on today? Please give
> me your name and I'll have a sample sent to you
> next week."

Aaaahahahahahahahah awesome post! :-)
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