Service Performance Group, Reasonable Assignment

Just completed and interesting mystery shop of a specialty retailer with Service Performance Group. This was my first time with this MSC. The input was very reasonable. They did require a pretty extensive narrative. However, the sales person shared lots of product information and I can understand why the narrative was so important. I actually enjoyed learning about the products.

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They don't have lots of clients in my area but I have been pleased with the work I have done for them. There have been things that did not go according to plan and together we have found solutions that worked.
I always forget about them as they do not have a lot of assignments in my area either, but I really like them as well. They are personable, treat shoppers with respect, have clear instructions, pay on time, and the assignments are fairly compensated.
I like them as well, have done a handful of shops and when they do have something in my area, it's a good one.

Live consciously....
I really love SPG as they're one of a handful of MSCs that treats shoppers with respect. I also appreciate that SPG pays a fair and generous fee for services. I wish they had more in my area as well but I think once the economy improves the # of shops will increase as well.
I've had good luck with them, though they don't have much here.

For shops new to the shopper, their guidelines are clear and sample narratives are provided. For shops that aren't self-assign, when I apply for a shop and don't get it, they send an email stating the location is closed. That's appreciated, and I can mark it off my list.

I've always been paid according to stated terms.
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