hey--hate to admit this: I grew up in North Arlington, the next town over from Kearney. ) I used to hang out in Pizza Land (remember the opening credits on the Sopranos?) LOL
marijaldm Wrote:
> I first got involved with Informa when after doing
> a designer cosmetic shop in a high end department
> store, $30+ reimbursement of moisturizer another
> $40/$60, I was contacted by Donna H, who asked if
> I'd be interested in doing bank shops for them.
> Most have paid $12.50 to $17.50 some special ones
> with far more involved reports and visits $45-
> $250. I got stiffed by a bank when they upped
> their fees and wiped out my newly opened account
> and once got a $50 parking ticket in Kearney, NJ.
> I no longer open accounts and stay out of
> Kearney.
> I periodically negotiate extra fees to compensate
> for distances longer than 25 miles one way, tolls,
> parking where applicable and my travel time. I
> create a route and will do more than one shop on
> that occasion. I've learned to confirm the terms
> in a follow up e-mail, which I print out and keep
> in my file until paid.
> I accept bonused jobs as well. I've seen $15/5,
> $30/5, $10/2, $10/1, $7.50/1 and $5/1 but never
> more than that for the simple shops w/ one page
> reports & one upload. They used to have a Jr.
> field rep who showed the opportunities to his
> select cadre - he's gone now. Maybe his spirit
> lives on and I'm not shown the well bonused shops?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2011 02:01AM by jersey07032.