
Does anyone or everyone have pay issues with Informa Did my first shop for them about a year ago,took about four months to get paid.Did two more shops in sept ,both were bonused recieved pay as expected,without the bonus when i inquired was informed that bonus were to be paid in a separate checkand should recieve within a week after i inquired again was told that i woukd recieve an email from scheduler within 24 hrs has now been 72 and no question is this lack of integrity ,lack of ethics or lack of management skills my feeling is all of the above as well as lack og backbone on the part of the mystery shoppers.Lets be honest with ourselves they need us more than we need them .thngs will change we we as shoppers stop tolerating the BS and leave them hanging with no one to accept their shops .i already have.your response would be appreciated,if you have the backbone!!!!

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George, they are neither angels nor devils. They have passed through my business as a favorite for a while but have become a company I don't bother with. I can't say I ever had pay issues with them, though they were never a company that made me go "WOW!" They faded from my business when their all-too-obvious required scenario led to my identification as a shopper in one location and my banning from shopping that client even by phone. I did nothing wrong except doing what they required. Subsequently I have done a couple of jobs for them but found the requirements and report much too time consuming for the fee. It is not about backbone so much as working for/with companies that work well for/with you, and not all shoppers' experiences are the same.
George Coker Wrote:
> Does anyone or everyone have pay issues with
> Informa Did my first shop for them about a year
> ago,took about four months to get paid.Did two
> more shops in sept ,both were bonused recieved
> pay as expected,without the bonus when i inquired
> was informed that bonus were to be paid in a
> separate checkand should recieve within a week
> after i inquired again was told that i woukd
> recieve an email from scheduler within 24 hrs has
> now been 72 and no question is this lack
> of integrity ,lack of ethics or lack of management
> skills my feeling is all of the above as well as
> lack og backbone on the part of the mystery
> shoppers.Lets be honest with ourselves they need
> us more than we need them .thngs will change we
> we as shoppers stop tolerating the BS and leave
> them hanging with no one to accept their shops .i
> already have.your response would be appreciated,if
> you have the backbone!!!!

Hi, George, this is not a bad company but they seem to have a major problem with their Accounting. I shop them only when the shops are bonused because
I have had payment issues repeatedly. During the first 18 months I worked for them, I missed getting paid 3 times for $15 shops. I eventually got paid but their Accounting Dept. is one person, who is very unresponsive, and it takes a month or more of multiple e-mails to get a response, making the time spent on collecting the fee far more than a $15 fee. So for the last year I have worked for them only when the shops are bonused. I figure it's not worth it to me to have to chase a $15 fee but for $65 or $75 I will risk having to chase the fee. Even when they bonus, it is bit of a pain (but worth it for the bonus money) - after scheduling and reporting the shop, you must e-mail the scheduler that you did the shop so she can "put you in for the bonus." About 1/4 of the time, after following the directions and e-mailing the scheduler, I get paid for the shop but not the bonus and must then e-mail the scheduler who first tells me the bonus will be paid on a separate check, to be patient, then, after realizing it has been too long and bonus just hasn't been paid, requests the bonus again. And the funny thing is the bonuses usually are NOT paid on a separate check, at least not the last 4 months; recently the payment and bonus are combined on one check. Here's more interesting reading about Informa and their bonuses: []
The name of the MSC is Informa Research services the name of the scheduler is Sandra Vallensuela and the supervisor is Robert King this nonsense is sad to say the least but i do believe they will do everyting possible to avoid making a payment,i am done hope that others will follow my lead if there is any backbone
My scheduler is a different person than Sandra and to me the problem appears to be their accounting department, but it really doesn't matter where the problem is, it's a problem so I only shop for them when the shops are heavily bonused because payment problems are annoying. It doesn't appear that they are unwilling to pay, only unorganized .... I am always paid promptly when I inquire. When it is just a bonus issue, it is only the scheduler I must contact, and I get a quick answer and quick payment. When it is a missed payment, I am forced to contact Accounting - her name is Tanya, and it has always taken multiple e-mails to get a response. Once she responds, I have always been paid fairly quickly, but she is NOT very responsive. SO ..... it takes a bonus to get me to do one of their shops. It looks to me like fewer shoppers are shopping for them and they are forced to bonus to get the shops filled. Their priority seems to be on filling the shops ..... maybe when they realize the extra $$$$ they are spending to bonus the shops in order to fill them, they will realize there is a problem and fix it. Maybe they don't realize they have a problem?
AustinMom Wrote:
> My scheduler is a different person than Sandra and
> to me the problem appears to be their accounting
> department, but it really doesn't matter where the
> problem is, it's a problem so I only shop for them
> when the shops are heavily bonused because payment
> problems are annoying. It doesn't appear that
> they are unwilling to pay, only unorganized .... I
> am always paid promptly when I inquire. When it
> is just a bonus issue, it is only the scheduler I
> must contact, and I get a quick answer and quick
> payment. When it is a missed payment, I am forced
> to contact Accounting - her name is Tanya, and it
> has always taken multiple e-mails to get a
> response. Once she responds, I have always been
> paid fairly quickly, but she is NOT very
> responsive. SO ..... it takes a bonus to get me
> to do one of their shops. It looks to me like
> fewer shoppers are shopping for them and they are
> forced to bonus to get the shops filled. Their
> priority seems to be on filling the shops .....
> maybe when they realize the extra $$$$ they are
> spending to bonus the shops in order to fill them,
> they will realize there is a problem and fix it.
> Maybe they don't realize they have a problem?

They realized it this month. The FAT bonuses on their bank shops are gone.

Glad I loaded up last month. smiling smiley
They periodically send out the e-mail "don't wait - there won't be any bonuses" after a couple of months of big bonuses. I think they truly believe their problem is greedy shoppers who are deliberately waiting to force bonuses ,,,, not true, because I take the same bank shops Informa posts for the two other MSPs without bonuses. I take Informa's only when they bonus. I'm not sure they have a clue. I just sent my new scheduler another e-mail requesting payment .... on 11/2 I got paid for one of my bonused shops from October - but no bonus. I'm sure I'll hear from him in a day or so that "I'll put you in again for the bonus" and I'll receive it in a couple of weeks. Like I said, not worth it for the $15, only when bonused.
Informa has quickly become one of my favorite companies because not only is the pay way above average, but the reporting very straightforward. I did my first job for them about two months ago and got a check in the mail 2 weeks later. I did another bonused job for them about a month ago and got my 1st check 3 weeks later and the extra bonus check less than a week after that(note I got an e-mail informing me that the bonus would be payed seperately a few days later). Sounds like their accounting department is much more organized than most of the other companies I work for, just wish they offered direct deposit.

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
I shopped for them last year. Did quite a few shops and never had a problem. The only reason I haven't shopped for them this year is they have nothing in my area. I thought the pay was high but the reporting was extremely detailed so I figured I earned my money!
AustinMom Wrote:
> I think they truly believe
> their problem is greedy shoppers who are
> deliberately waiting to force bonuses ,,,,

They can think that until doomsday. If they don't want to pay the bonuses, don't offer them. That's not called greed, that's called smart business. Don't do a job for $15 when you could get $50.
The only serious problem I find with Informa is a project manager who does not notify accounting of their bonus incentives and need to be contacted by me. This need for E-mail copies as proof is wearing thin.
Bonuses are usually on the same paycheck and sometimes not identified as such, another annoyance
Otherwise I find the shops easy to do, easy to enter although by midnight of the same day, payment arrives within two weeks and the staff is pleasant to work with.
was finally sent an e-mail and informed that the bonus would be mailed after 12-5 shop was paid on 10-13 do think this is unsatisfactory for me so will either work elsewhere or not at all
George Coker Wrote:
> was finally sent an e-mail and informed that the
> bonus would be mailed after 12-5 shop was paid on
> 10-13 do think this is unsatisfactory for me so
> will either work elsewhere or not at all

Neither this nor the previous poster's problem are unusual in my experience. They are indeed pleasant to work with so I still work for them but only when they bonus their shops. I am only willing to deal with the aggravation of their lack of organization in the payment area when I make more than $15 a shop.
For bonuses that are 5X the shop fee, I can wait. If course I'd like them to be more organized and send the bonuses sooner, but for that kind of gravy, I'll be patient.
Pray tell TechSavvy who bonuses 5x the fee? For a $14 Informa shop that would mean $70 ? I've never seen that kind of bonus, where are you finding those? I'd be patient and up one- I'd even tolerate their lack of organization.
marijaaldm--last year I got several shops from informa with significant bonuses...maybe 5x, but I don't remember. I thought they were giving me the bonus because I had to travel. I am not sure. It does happen. GfK promised me $75 for a shop that normally pays $11. Of course I haven't seen it, yet. LOL!!!

marijaldm Wrote:
> Pray tell TechSavvy who bonuses 5x the fee? For a
> $14 Informa shop that would mean $70 ? I've never
> seen that kind of bonus, where are you finding
> those? I'd be patient and up one- I'd even
> tolerate their lack of organization.
marijaldm Wrote:
> Pray tell TechSavvy who bonuses 5x the fee? For a
> $14 Informa shop that would mean $70 ? I've never
> seen that kind of bonus, where are you finding
> those? I'd be patient and up one- I'd even
> tolerate their lack of organization.

Informa has been bonusing their $15 shops to get them done. Bonuses of $15 and $20 have been fairly common, and I've done several bonused to $65 and one at $75. Very unusual here because I live and work in an area of way too many mystery shoppers and there are not a lot of big bonuses here. I do the same shops locally for two other companies for $15. I do them for Informa when they are bonused.
I first got involved with Informa when after doing a designer cosmetic shop in a high end department store, $30+ reimbursement of moisturizer another $40/$60, I was contacted by Donna H, who asked if I'd be interested in doing bank shops for them.
Most have paid $12.50 to $17.50 some special ones with far more involved reports and visits $45- $250. I got stiffed by a bank when they upped their fees and wiped out my newly opened account and once got a $50 parking ticket in Kearney, NJ. I no longer open accounts and stay out of Kearney.
I periodically negotiate extra fees to compensate for distances longer than 25 miles one way, tolls, parking where applicable and my travel time. I create a route and will do more than one shop on that occasion. I've learned to confirm the terms in a follow up e-mail, which I print out and keep in my file until paid.
I accept bonused jobs as well. I've seen $15/5, $30/5, $10/2, $10/1, $7.50/1 and $5/1 but never more than that for the simple shops w/ one page reports & one upload. They used to have a Jr. field rep who showed the opportunities to his select cadre - he's gone now. Maybe his spirit lives on and I'm not shown the well bonused shops?
hey--hate to admit this: I grew up in North Arlington, the next town over from Kearney. ) I used to hang out in Pizza Land (remember the opening credits on the Sopranos?) LOL

marijaldm Wrote:
> I first got involved with Informa when after doing
> a designer cosmetic shop in a high end department
> store, $30+ reimbursement of moisturizer another
> $40/$60, I was contacted by Donna H, who asked if
> I'd be interested in doing bank shops for them.
> Most have paid $12.50 to $17.50 some special ones
> with far more involved reports and visits $45-
> $250. I got stiffed by a bank when they upped
> their fees and wiped out my newly opened account
> and once got a $50 parking ticket in Kearney, NJ.
> I no longer open accounts and stay out of
> Kearney.
> I periodically negotiate extra fees to compensate
> for distances longer than 25 miles one way, tolls,
> parking where applicable and my travel time. I
> create a route and will do more than one shop on
> that occasion. I've learned to confirm the terms
> in a follow up e-mail, which I print out and keep
> in my file until paid.
> I accept bonused jobs as well. I've seen $15/5,
> $30/5, $10/2, $10/1, $7.50/1 and $5/1 but never
> more than that for the simple shops w/ one page
> reports & one upload. They used to have a Jr.
> field rep who showed the opportunities to his
> select cadre - he's gone now. Maybe his spirit
> lives on and I'm not shown the well bonused shops?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/27/2011 02:01AM by jersey07032.
Hey NJ,

I'm in Nutley and do many shops for Informa. Never have pay problems, but rarely see bonuses here..maybe $5 -$10. I'd love to see 5x pay.

I am surprised to read the comments about payment problems as they always have paid timely. Somethimes the checks come within weeks of doing the shops and sometimes it takes longer, but they always pay.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Nutley: home of Frankie Valley (sp) !!!

MsJudi Wrote:
> Hey NJ,
> I'm in Nutley and do many shops for Informa. Never
> have pay problems, but rarely see bonuses
> here..maybe $5 -$10. I'd love to see 5x pay.
> I am surprised to read the comments about payment
> problems as they always have paid timely.
> Somethimes the checks come within weeks of doing
> the shops and sometimes it takes longer, but they
> always pay.
I've had a few pay issues with Informa, but they were quick to correct them. As with every other company, it pays to keep track of what you're owed, and how much comes in. My payment issues have luckily been few and far between, but Informa is certainly not the only company with whom I've experienced this.
jersey07032 Wrote:
> Nutley: home of Frankie Valley (sp) !!!
> MsJudi Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Hey NJ,
> >
> > I'm in Nutley and do many shops for Informa.
> Never
> > have pay problems, but rarely see bonuses
> > here..maybe $5 -$10. I'd love to see 5x pay.
> >
> > I am surprised to read the comments about
> payment
> > problems as they always have paid timely.
> > Somethimes the checks come within weeks of
> doing
> > the shops and sometimes it takes longer, but
> they
> > always pay.

No, Frankie Vallie was from Belleville, I think. Martha Stewart and the guy with the pigeon on his shoulder from a TV show and also a murder investigation, can't remember his name..oh yeah, Robert Blake are from nutty Nutley.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Urban myth then. We used to sing Big Girls Don't Cry and tell ourselves he (HE) was just over the river. Belleville is just as close. Bada Bing. :-) MsJudi Wrote:
> jersey07032 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Nutley: home of Frankie Valley (sp) !!!
> >
> > MsJudi Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Hey NJ,
> > >
> > > I'm in Nutley and do many shops for Informa.
> > Never
> > > have pay problems, but rarely see bonuses
> > > here..maybe $5 -$10. I'd love to see 5x pay.
> > >
> > > I am surprised to read the comments about
> > payment
> > > problems as they always have paid timely.
> > > Somethimes the checks come within weeks of
> > doing
> > > the shops and sometimes it takes longer, but
> > they
> > > always pay.
> No, Frankie Vallie was from Belleville, I think.
> Martha Stewart and the guy with the pigeon on his
> shoulder from a TV show and also a murder
> investigation, can't remember his name..oh yeah,
> Robert Blake are from nutty Nutley.
I have done many shops for Informa and never had any pay issues. There are many companies who take their time paying, but I would not list Informa as one of them.
marijaldm Wrote:
> Pray tell TechSavvy who bonuses 5x the fee? For a
> $14 Informa shop that would mean $70 ? I've never
> seen that kind of bonus, where are you finding
> those? I'd be patient and up one- I'd even
> tolerate their lack of organization.

In the last 2 months, I've done 8 bank shops for Informa. All were $15 base pay. 2 had $5 bonuses, 2 had $35 bonuses, 2 had $50 bonuses and 2 had $85 bonuses.
zlinedavid Wrote:
> In the last 2 months, I've done 8 bank shops for
> Informa. All were $15 base pay. 2 had $5
> bonuses, 2 had $35 bonuses, 2 had $50 bonuses and
> 2 had $85 bonuses.

Wow, I gotta pay attention a little more to them. Do the bonuses post on the site or are they email/phone relayed?
last summer I got several shops with mega bonuses. If I remember, they were emailed. They were part of a wave of shops and I got a lot of them. I was new to MSing and did not know from bonuses. I thought I was getting the extra money because I had to travel. I made about $500 on this wave of shops and then--poof--they were gone. I remember the reports were kind of silly. Everything had to be written out in blue ink and then reported on line. The blue-ink copy had to be sent to the company. The editors compared the blue ink with the on-line report. And believe me, they did compare the two! But the money was good and I enjoyed the shops.
No wonder they have to bonus the jobs. Writing 2 reports, one of them by hand! What a total waste of everyone's time.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
yes, Lisa. And in blue ink. And on one of the reports, an editor called because my blue-ink text did not exactly match my on-line text. Oy Vey (which is a very nice way of saying WTF!) But, for the money I was getting, I would have written the report in crayon if they wished. Also, I had to send the blue-ink report (and all the associate's notes and any notes I took during the "interview" via Fedex. And the Fedex form wouldn't print out.
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