Can't Pass the Mac's Branded Test?

I have done these shops forever. Now that they have moved to another company, I can't seem to pass the test. I have the answers right beside me and I am pretty sure my answers are correct yet, I am getting 23/25. Is anyone else having this problem?

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Like yourself, I have also done many of these shops. I am going to take my test today and hopefully I will pass. If I do, I am not even sure that I will take any as these shops pay less that the others did. Good luck to you. I will let you know if I pass or not.
Thank you. I just noticed when I printed the test that at the bottom it says, "You either have close affiliations with this client or your objectivity may be compromised and so you are not eligible to complete these assignments." I don't know why I got this message, as I answered both first two questions as "no."
Tonight, I erased all my previous answers and did the test again, with the SAME answers. This time I passed, so thanks again for your support.
raisitup Wrote:
> Sorry, what is "Mac's Branded?"

They're Canadian shops. Mac's is a large chain of convenient stores.
MtlShopper Wrote:
> raisitup Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sorry, what is "Mac's Branded?"
> They're Canadian shops. Mac's is a large chain of
> convenient stores.

Ah thanks!
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