Shopper's Critique: Self Assign or Waiting List

There were two assignments I wanted from Shopper's Critique. They both said they were available to me to self assign. I clicked to self assign and received a message that I was added to the waiting list and I would be notified if I would be allowed to complete the assignment.

I think that Shopper's Critique and I have different ideas of "self assign".

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I don't know if this is the issue or not, but I would call them and check on your status. I know with SASSIE if you qualify to self-assign and you can't, then it's likely because you've been secretly deactivated. I had this happen with an unscrupulous scheduling company owner. IF that's the case, once your status is back to active, you should be able to assign shops.

I also had an issue with Shopper's Critique years ago for my first shop. The woman I spoke to on the phone insisted I didn't give enough detail and said some other things about the report that weren't accurate. I kept asking if she was confusing me with another shopper because, honey, Mama can TALK! And type. NO ONE would ever accuse me of brevity. LOL She was so obnoxious and rude, talking down to me the way she did but I was new and trying to establish myself so I did a few more shops. After them, I talked to another scheduler who said she would remove the comment because I'd submitted quality reports.

Point is, if there's a problem, call them. If it's not resolved, wait a bit then call again. Hopefully you'll get someone else who's willing to work with you. smiling smiley
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