raisitup Wrote:
> richraynor Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I think their editors are way too strict. If I
> > owned a Shopping company, I would hire editors
> > that can fix problems, not bog down the process
> > with silly crap. If there is a simple grammar
> > mistake, JUST FIX IT! We are experts at
> shopping,
> > not writers. Most shopping companies just fix
> an
> > error and let it rip, unless it changes
> important
> > factual items in the report, of course. Enough
> of
> > my soap box! LOL!
> If that was your business model you'd be sunk
> quick. Things would start out fine, then when
> word gets out about how "easy" your editors are
> every 3rd grade dropout would start doing your
> shops. Oops, since the editors are only there to
> edit and not grading any reports the reports
> aren't going to get any better, and as a matter of
> fact they get worse. Time to hire more editors!
> Better drop the pay to pay for all that extra
> labor. Ouch, now pre-school dropouts, and lots of
> 'em, are mystery shopping. More editors!!!!
> I have 3 10's and 2 9's for Intellishop. Their
> editors are just fine, maybe you should take a
> second look at your writing :-)
I think I have about 40-50 10's, some 8's and 9's. LOL! You have done well during your 5 shops! I wasn't complaining about my ratings.
I wasn't complaining about my scores.