Fed up with Intellishop and have question about deactivating my account

eltonj Wrote:
> Sounds like Intellishop is an MSC to avoid like
> the proverbial plague. Please correct me if I am
> wrong. Thanks for the heads-up.

No, you pretty much hit the nail on the head smiling smiley
I shop for a lot of msc, and Intelli-shop is the only one I've had issues with.

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I learned early on to AV record all shops regardless of the type. Once in a while I get either a new editor or scheduler who does not know me and attempts everything listed in this posting. As soon as I find out there may be an issue, I always make it very known to them that I have recorded (usually AV) and any attempt to mess with my integrity will not be worth it on their end. Only had to push one time, I ended up contacting company who hired MSC, showing them my AV and that MSC was fired for lying to their client! Doing business only by internet means LOTS and LOTS of research on the MSC prior to working with them, and then making sure you have the NECESSARY back-up to prove yourself. I even found out once that one of the MCS's was paying $25 to MS an apartment, but they were being paid $175 for the shop. This is a cut-throat business between not only MSC-MSC but also MSC-MS. My Legal/Investigative background has proved highly useful more than once!

Remember each day to "help someone, laugh and learn something new!"
I have performed over 104 shops for intellishop and find them to be straight forward and easy to work for. My average rating is 10. I have had a few shops that there were questions on, but I spoke with the scheduler and we ironed out the problem.

I do not drive 140 miles for $40 though. The only time I drove that far for a shop I was paid $300. I will continue to work for them as long as I can find shops within my area. My reports are always submitted on time and if I have a problem performing a shop, I ask for instructions or guidance and if I feel I cannot complete the shop, I call far enough in advance and ask if they can reschedule it.
is it legal to record/video people w/o their permission? I read in one threat it is not legal in Florida. Just curious.
In Texas its legal to record if ONE of the parties gives their consent. Every state is different, though, so please check around.
thanks eltonj. I hope everyone takes heed. would hate for someone to get in legal trouble. something like that could be serious.
I'm amazed at the problems with the "pull the baskets and check the filters." I had never done one of these shops before, because $7 was too low for all the work required. But they offered one for $20, so I gave it a shot. I am 5'4" and when I walked in, the coffee system was to the left, less than 10 feet from the cashier. The filters were all over my head, so I would have had to pull them completely out to look inside - no possibility of a "sneaky peeky."

So, I completed the shop, and in the report I put the information about the height of the filters and that the cashier would have seen me. I got a 10, no questions asked.

Now that you all have told me some editors will not take the report if you don't do the filter check, I won't ever do one again. Thanks for the warning!

NOTE: I'm not on the forum every day. If someone comments on my post, I might not reply right away. I've been a shopper since 1991. I've never done any work for a MS company in any other capacity.
If you have a PDF of the report you submitted that shows the filter issue, I would think that would protect you from future refusals from other editors. You could show IntelliShop the report was accepted and that it set a precedence.

niteowl Wrote:
> I'm amazed at the problems with the "pull the
> baskets and check the filters." I had never done
> one of these shops before, because $7 was too low
> for all the work required. But they offered one
> for $20, so I gave it a shot. I am 5'4" and when I
> walked in, the coffee system was to the left, less
> than 10 feet from the cashier. The filters were
> all over my head, so I would have had to pull them
> completely out to look inside - no possibility of
> a "sneaky peeky."
> So, I completed the shop, and in the report I put
> the information about the height of the filters
> and that the cashier would have seen me. I got a
> 10, no questions asked.
> Now that you all have told me some editors will
> not take the report if you don't do the filter
> check, I won't ever do one again. Thanks for the
> warning!
I ended up "quitting" this company (one of only two that I have officially parted ways with) after attempting to do this shop. I tried to contact the scheduler many times before doing the shop to ask about this business of pulling out and inspecting the filters. The shop had to be done on a Monday morning before 8:30. I waited to hear back from her until the last possible moment and then went to do the shop. I pulled one filter and a cashier came up to me and asked if everything was ok. I told her I was just checking to make sure the coffee was fresh (or something like that--it's been a while.) She told me the coffee was just made and then stood about 3 feet from me. When I got back, I was finally able to connect w/ the scheduler and explained the situation. She told me I wouldn't be paid because I had not done what I was supposed to do. Yes, I agreed, but there was REASON why I didn't...I wasn't about to get into an altercation with the clerk. No dice. No pay. Luckily, I only had to spend $2 on a cup of coffee, I was going to be in that area anyway, and I only "lost out on" $7. No more Intellishops for me.

niteowl Wrote:
> I'm amazed at the problems with the "pull the
> baskets and check the filters." I had never done
> one of these shops before, because $7 was too low
> for all the work required. But they offered one
> for $20, so I gave it a shot. I am 5'4" and when I
> walked in, the coffee system was to the left, less
> than 10 feet from the cashier. The filters were
> all over my head, so I would have had to pull them
> completely out to look inside - no possibility of
> a "sneaky peeky."
> So, I completed the shop, and in the report I put
> the information about the height of the filters
> and that the cashier would have seen me. I got a
> 10, no questions asked.
> Now that you all have told me some editors will
> not take the report if you don't do the filter
> check, I won't ever do one again. Thanks for the
> warning!
I've had good luck with Intellishop. Only drawback is the pay schedule. By the time I'm paid, I forget what I've done.
I have done about 25 shops for Intellishop over the last few years....so not too many. Average Rating: 10 Last Rating: 9 (due to typos). The assignments I have done have been varied. I have done a car dealership or two, but did not have any problems.

I have NEVER done the coffee grounds/filter pulling shop and never will no matter what kind of bonus might appear. I try real hard not to take shops that have impossibly ridiculous scenarios, at least when I already can know about these types of problems with the scenario before signing up. Hate it when MSPs spring stupid stuff like this on us AFTER we have signed up!!

I have never been questioned by Intellishop over anything. I wonder if it varies by client? Maybe the client in the case of the stupid pulling coffee filters scenario refuses to pay Intellishop if they see you not pulling the filters on security tape? The client might be the crazy party here. I mean who would think this up and want it done at their stores?
treetracker Wrote:
> eltonj Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sounds like Intellishop is an MSC to avoid like
> > the proverbial plague. Please correct me if I
> am
> > wrong. Thanks for the heads-up.
> I've learned to pick and choose from Intellishop.
> Lately, the pickings have been slim. I jump at the
> chance when a certain audit comes up from them.
> That may be ended as there has been a merger on
> the customer end. Won't do any purchase and
> return, fees are too low. They have some
> interesting healthcare ones in my area. I checked
> my log for 2011. Very little work for Intellishop.
> I've noticed what you all have. Slow edits and
> payment, picky, picky editors, forms from you know
> where. Too bad, they used to be my favorite
> company.
> PennyRobert, I record all my shops, one party
> state here.

I feel for the schedulers as they try to recruit seasoned shoppers who have been burned by the printing costs, the long and reduntant surveys and the brutal and slow editors. I assume that the schedulers have received plenty of criticism from shoppers regarding these and I am sorry that this has fallen on deaf ears. I guess the company can rely on newbees .......once or twice with plenty of money for the editors.
I have a great relationship with Intellishops.

As an independent businessperson I can refuse shops I am not comfortable with. I would not do a shop that requires a shopper to do or say something a normal shopper would not say or do. If you do not get a business card it is a deal breaker, they do not pay you. You can not ask the salesperson questions.

I do not do their dealer evaluations as car dealers do not have brochures,the info is on line. Prospects come in armed with internet knowledge. They want to see and ask questions and get a test ride.

If you do not ask questions as the guidelines forbid,you are a shopper.You can be played by the salesperson if they are aware they are being evaluated or you get a "bums rush to the door without a business card if they do not know they are being evaluated.

I still do the brake and oil change shops as I get a receipt that can be submitted and then I wait for the payment. It goes over the 30 day credit card grace period, but I pay my card in full each month so I do not get charged interest while Intellishops uses my money.

I am sure intellishops is reading this and may suggest to their client that it might be valuable to know the salesperson has a ten-gallon hat and no cattle and should be retrained. The client should be concerned if the salesperson does not give out business cards on the remote chance that the “sponge” might come back for a second look and ask questions on the second look. Some customers are just looking for personality and post sale service. I go to the waiting room to talk to customers. I am looking for a friendly relationship when I make a $30,000 investment in a vehicle. I can buy the vehicle anywhere.
I am not sure which dealership you go to Pile Hip Deep PHD, but I perform dealership audits for quite a few clients and dealerships do give out brochures. I have them to prove it. I also get cards. It has a lot to do with the way you perform the shop.

I also have a great relationship with intellishop and wonder about the negative comments. However, I do not judge the shopper or the company. Perhaps there is something else behind the story.

However, I do know the dealerships do and will give out brochures. I have stockpiled them because some clients require that you keep the collateral for 6 months or more.
No problem with Intellishop. 33-10's, 2-9's. Just read the paperwork and don't take shops you're not comfortable doing.
destiny1234 Wrote:
> I have performed over 104 shops for intellishop
> and find them to be straight forward and easy to
> work for. My average rating is 10. I have had a
> few shops that there were questions on, but I
> spoke with the scheduler and we ironed out the
> problem.
> I do not drive 140 miles for $40 though. The only
> time I drove that far for a shop I was paid $300.
> I will continue to work for them as long as I can
> find shops within my area. My reports are always
> submitted on time and if I have a problem
> performing a shop, I ask for instructions or
> guidance and if I feel I cannot complete the shop,
> I call far enough in advance and ask if they can
> reschedule it.

I agree, I have never had a problem with Intellishop, mostly get 10's. Their pay is slow, 60 days rather than the usual 30, but they have never refused to pay me. Like most MSC's they have some good shops and some bad ones.

I've never had issues with Intellishop. Pay is slow and low on many of the shops. They don't have much here but there are a few shops I like.
Pay is definitely low on most of their shops, but I find that the Tom Thumbs bunched together make for a good list. I get those and perform about 10 in one day. That way, I can get some items I need and have them pay the majority of the cost plus pick up a bit of change. Since we have one on every corner almost in my area, I love performing these shops and can get about tn with no problem equaling $90 for a days work!

Also, have you noticed they have really great sales each month? Plus in Florida they offer a discount on gas.
Intellishop has some great shops and some real dogs. I'm very careful about what I take from them after doing some that should have been quadruple the pay....hours on the form for $10-$15..I don't do their auto dealerships as much as I used to after being contacted directly by a salesman who read the report and said, "It sure sounds like our conversation." I can't believe they let them see the report verbatim. I lied, but I'm sure he knew it was me. Plus, the guy called afterwards for months to see if I still was interested in the car..LOL.

I remember when Intellishop used to be one of the fastest payers. That was probably at least 4-5 years ago. Too bad they changed to now what is one of my slowest payers. Fast pay = more jobs taken by most of us, even if the pay is a bit low. ie, Trendsource, Cori. You think they would figure that out.

All in all, I haven't had problems with Intellishop, but some of their forms and shops can be a real PITA. Some are too good to be true...and so it goes. One must find the good ones and leave the bad for the newbies to test out.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
They had a shop on their board that was due last weekend. I applied and watched and watched. I never got it. Oh well. It came back available and I applied that I could do it last night. Well I get an email asking can I go this week between Tuesday and Friday. I thought I would ask hubby anyway, he works late during the week but I thought he would love to do this high end shop again. Hubby said sorry can't go. Well if they had given it to me this weekend, I could have gone. Now I have noone to go with plus no baby sitter. Irks me but it's their loss.
I've had pretty good luck with this company, not my favorite. I took the dreaded 7 dollar shop for the first time for the heck of it. The editor responded more than a week later and I was scored an 8 - lowest ever. The reasons were silly, something about using the word 'seems and appeared' took away from the validity of my report.

I've been reporting on incidents for years in my line of work. I know how to report a fact, and if I use the words 'seem' and 'appeared' it's because it requires a judgement on my part.

Silly editors. I suppose they have no problems getting these shops filled. They'd better, I won't do it again.

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
I am so glad that I found this, I was just about to sign up with these people. I have only been shopping since the end of September so I have only done 150 or so shops. I sure wouldn't want to waste my efforts. Thanks so much for this insight and heads up.
prettygul1 Wrote:
> They had a shop on their board that was due last
> weekend. I applied and watched and watched. I
> never got it. Oh well. It came back available
> and I applied that I could do it last night. Well
> I get an email asking can I go this week between
> Tuesday and Friday. I thought I would ask hubby
> anyway, he works late during the week but I
> thought he would love to do this high end shop
> again. Hubby said sorry can't go. Well if they
> had given it to me this weekend, I could have
> gone. Now I have noone to go with plus no baby
> sitter. Irks me but it's their loss.

Why not call them and ask for the shop?
cpstandre Wrote:
> I am so glad that I found this, I was just about
> to sign up with these people. I have only been
> shopping since the end of September so I have only
> done 150 or so shops. I sure wouldn't want to
> waste my efforts. Thanks so much for this insight
> and heads up.

So glad we could help. That is what we are here for. Unfortunately, the automobile surveys are broken up into clusters so that shoppers cannot count the number of actual questions and corresponding narratives (only displayed once a shop is accepted). Once into it, shoppers realize that questions run well over 100 and the narratives are repetitive and daunting. Time at dealership or shop: 45 min. to one hour, time inputting data: 1-2 hrs., time answering the editor's previously answered questions: 1/4 hour. Whether you receive a "8", "9" or "10"; time is money.
I just did 4 of these car dealerships. At the last one, there were no other potential buyers on the site so the salesman just kept talking and talking without making any sign of getting to the "go for the sale" stage. He gave me tons of information but most of the time he spent "building rapport". I was there 2 hours for my $17.50 and then had 10 pages of questions to answer and every fourth one was "In story form tell ....." And you're right, most of those overlapped so I was repeating information. If they weren't all on an easy route I wouldn't have finished them all. But, because I didn't know about the lengthy form until they were completed, I kept at them until they were done. I was up until 2:30 am doing those bloody reports.
I've done 4 of those for another MSC. The pay was $50 each and the reports were very easy. Unfortunately, I don't see any more of those shops on the board right now. But it sure is tough to wrap your head around a shop that pays 17 bucks when you've done them for 50.

As an aside, if any of you are in Texas, I hope you're signed up with customer service experts. They pay very well for most shops.
The higher paying shops sure seem to be in other states. Florida has some chinzy paying MS's. I have to sit tight for higher paying ones and they are few and far between.
While my shops were not for Intellishop I'd like to address PHD's comments about cards, etc. After completing 40 new car shops over the last six weeks I have to disagree regarding brochures and business cards. I think I actually had to ask for a card on two or three occasions and not once did I leave without one. Some of the dealerships were out of brochures for the particular models I shopped, but in general had them. Turning down a test drive could be suspicious, but when it was necessary I was able to provide reasonable excuses which were accepted. It is possible to give buying signals without asking a lot questions. If the salesperson does not want to elaborate or provide a thorough presentation that is on them. I'm not there to coach them through their job.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
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