PennyRobert Wrote:
> I completed a shop at a car dealership for
> IntelliShop in July, and have still not been paid
> for it. I "boiled over" in anger when dealing with
> the Field Staff Coordinator, who said that I
> "falsified" my report, because the dealership was
> not offering a $2,500 gas card if I purchased the
> Car today. This gas card was NOT my idea, but
> was something that the dealership sales
> representative offered me as an incentive. So
> naturally, since ALL dealership salespeople tell
> the whole truth when attempting to make a sale, I
> was accused of lying on my report. I told him to
> check my record and tell me if that is the record
> of a shopper who falsifies reports. I was given a
> 1 on the report, and was told that they couldn't
> use my report and couldn't (wouldn't) pay me for
> it. My guess is that they took that part off my
> report, and submitted the report so that they
> could get paid and would not have to pay me.
> Shopper beware,
> PennyRobert
Sorry you had a bad experience, PennyRobert. I just won't do Intelli's auto dealership new car shops, no matter how much they are bonused. Too much time, way too intense survey for the money paid (even bonused) and every.single.time, I have run into the exact same kind of garbage you refer to.
I didn't get a 1, but I have gotten my share of multiple questioning/re-questioning and it's not worth it.
I recently bought a vehicle from a dealership Intelli shops. I had a horrible, horrible experience that I only figured out on the back end.
I never had much of a negative opinion about new car salesmen or dealerships (despite oft-heard jokes) in the 25 years I've been out in the car buying world on my own-until I shopped for Intelli and then bought this damn vehicle.