
Several months ago I saw shops for Tucanos restaurant. I tried to sign up with the MSC, but my social security card/legal name issue prevented me from doing so. Now that I have taken care of that problem, I cannot find the Tucanos listing and don't remember the MSC name. If anyone can give me a hint, I'd be most grateful. I've known it at one time (even did everything there was to sign up but it wouldn't go through), but simply have forgotten. I'd really, really like to get a free meal at Tucanos!

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I don't think I ever got anything by email. I saw it on the board, signed up with the company, but they wouldn't accept my app because of the SSN problem, so I don't think I ever got anything at all.

raisitup Wrote:
> You don't keep your emails for things like that?
I found who does them. I did a search on the MSC but find only a little, some negative, some positive. But I'm still having the same problem where it says it will not verify my SSN because of name difference. This is so frustrating!

(Thanks for catching me on that!)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2011 01:55AM by SpyGirl.
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