Restaurant Cops

I have completed my first assignment with Restaurant Cops. The entry was pretty easy with a standard amount of narratives. The time keeping was very reasonable, as well. The reimbursement ($45) was very generous. The shopper fee ($5) was minimal. However, this is a restaurant that we enjoy and appreciated the reimbursed meal. The one down side is they quote 50-60 days for payment. That is a little longer than I prefer but they are upfront about it.

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I think you will be pleasantly surprised. They state 45 with 'worst case' 60, I think. I generally get paid in about a month. Certainly not a company that I have ever needed to chase for payments.
I almost forget them sometimes because their rotation is 3 months apparently and they don't have that much in my area.
There is a non favorable thread on them....surprised to see such different opinions. I heard they were not good about paying, and moved out of their headquarters in Chicago.

Live consciously....
Irene, please do not confuse Restaurant EVALUATORS with Restaurant COPS. Restaurant Cops is great!
Irene, I have not see anything non favorable posted about Restaurant Cops. Where? What are you referring to?
My mistake, Restaurant Evaluaters is the bad guy, not Restaurant Cops.....

Live consciously....
I completed a shop for them and got my confirmation number when I submitted the report. I have yet to receive feedback or anything else and the shop was done on January 19, 2012.

I know they pay 45-60 days after the shop; however how do you know for sure if it's been accepted?

Other MSCs have written me back in a few days to confirm it was acceptable, so I"m just wondering what's up!

Thanks - lauren in TX (new to this MS thing)
I feel sure that if there was a problem or questions they would get back with you. I think I only got feedback on the first shop I ever did for them and it was something along the lines of "Your report was what we were looking for."
PrincessaMyron Wrote:
> I completed a shop for them and got my
> confirmation number when I submitted the report.
> I have yet to receive feedback or anything else
> and the shop was done on January 19, 2012.
> I know they pay 45-60 days after the shop; however
> how do you know for sure if it's been accepted?
> Other MSCs have written me back in a few days to
> confirm it was acceptable, so I"m just wondering
> what's up!
> Thanks - lauren in TX (new to this MS thing)

This is a really nice company. Tracy and Dan are both great, and Kim with CTCSS schedules some of their jobs. She's also really nice. They don't have a lot here, but I have done nearly 100 shops for them. I have e-mailed back and forth with both Dan and Tracy, but I have never heard anything after a shop, I just get paid a few weeks later. The check clearly notes at the bottom which shop they are paying you for, which I also like. If something were wrong with the shop, they would contact you.
Wish they had something here besides "kid's pizza" shops. I took my grandkids a few times but now that I can't drive it would cost too much to take them with me on paratransit so I don't do those anymore.

Today I Will Choose Joy!

"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!
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