Accessing Shopper's websites

I get very frustrated when I try to access the shoppers' websites on several MSP's.
Most MSC's have buttons for log-in's on it's home page. Accessing through SASSIE is no problem.
I'm talking about those MSC's that you cannot access through its home page or when you push "login", you get its new shopper application. I cannot name this particular company, but I have emailed it through its contact button, but have yet to receive a response. I guess I can call it, but I was hoping for some type of customer support within 72 hours. MSC's need to be mystery shopped!

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If you registered it is very likely that a sign in page was sent to you along with your login name and password. Refer to those email responses and then bookmark the pages. If you want to give a company name, perhaps someone can direct you to their login page.
Thanks, Flash. Ia was referring to Service Sleuth (Mersheimer Group). I usually do get good service from them.

I normally keep the shoppers' website address in my contact info on my computer, but did not do so this time.
Flash Wrote:
> []
> .norm.php is the login page where I sign in with
> them.


Thank you! I knew that, just could not think of it. I still think it should have a direct link from its "parent" website.
It certainly would be handy, but since a lot of these companies maintain their basic website for their clients, not their shoppers, they may wish to avoid that.
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