There are fewer MSC's in Canada now and more and more American companies are doing the shops in Canada and the money being paid is being lowered to match the pay in the U.S.A.
American companies do not understand Canada and because of the lack of available shops, shoppers here are taking these low paying jobs.
Examples of these low fees are report fees of $4, $6, $7 and $8. At these fees it is not worth it to start your car and drive to the shop.
Both the shopper and the MSC do not understand that our costs are higher in Canada then in the U.S.A.
Examples of this is: the cost of gas, the cost of cars, the cost of milk and bread and all other food items, a higher tax rate, etc.
Continuing to take these low paying shops will eventually cause the Canadian MSC's to lower their pay schedules even lower.
If we all work together and explain to the companies in the states why we can't help them with their shops at the lower rates.
Every company I have explained this to has understood and increased the pay for me.
Thanks for reading and I hope acting.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/26/2011 06:08PM by Steve Brunnel.