The yellow sign shops came on the board some time in August, to start in September. I signed up for a couple to go with routes and they did not auto-assign. Weird. Two weeks ago (Early October) I got a call asking me if I would do this shop I signed up for, 30 miles away. I had already been to that place with other shops... Okay, fine. I picked a date near the end hoping there would be a heavily bonused blue light store nearby.
Last week, I checked my shops list, and all was well. This morning, I checked my shop list just to make sure, and "review client requirements" was there. It wasn't there last week... That freaking test!
"If a northbound train leaves Chicago displaying a grocery rewards banner and half of the passengers are carrying bottles of Five Alive, what do you ask the conductor? If you indicated in your questionnaire that the train was carrying a flat car of groceries, does it need a metal sign in addition to or instead of the sign on the departures board?"
And, by the way, while I am at the station I have a wee merchandising assignment. The pay is less than in years past and the survey has doubled. Check your envelope...."Here's your sign."