Shop2LiveinFL Wrote:
> I was just contacted by a scheduler of a company I
> already shop for. She asked if I was registered
> with Satisfaction Services because she has jobs in
> my area. I just went to their website to register
> and I see the following statement...
> "Sign up for "FREE" or pay $9.99 and Receive Rated
> Member Benefits, either way you will be available
> for our shopping assignments."
> > Why is FREE in quotations? And I thought we
> weren't supposed to pay a fee to be a MS. Now I
> am a bit suspicious. Any thoughts?
You can shop for free like any other MSC if the scheduler is desperate and those who do not pay the fee ($9.99) do not take the shop first. The $9.99 is like the job slinger membership. You can check the posts but only after they have been picked over by those who paid.
I get shops from time to time to fill my routes from both. I do not see high paying shops that are worth my while to accept individually.
It is like picking apples. You can buy the ones still on the tree for a higher price than those apples on the ground that may have worms in them. You get what you pay for. I guess the shops that are worthwhile and pay a higher compensation get picked first. I refuse to pay for shops. I would rather sit home.