Satisfaction Services

Good you are living alone. Kick? Pity anyone with you when you are in a bad mood. LOL. Just watch wrestling. They do a lot of kicking and more...

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Did the shop for Satisfaction Services & submitted the report December 17 2011. Received payment by check February 2 2012.

That's not what I'd call lightning-quick, but it's not outrageously slow either. The thing that still peeves me is being left to scratch my head and wonder in the meantime about what if anything was going on. Would it be that difficult to send an email saying "Your report has been accepted"?


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
I like this company and received my check for Dec. shops the 2nd of Feb. also but did 5 shops for them in Jan. and one of the donation locations was non-existent. I emailed the schedler right away to endure it would be accepted for payment but never heard back (shop was 1st week of Jan.). Their pay is good - shops are easy but their system is arcaic.
Yes the system is archaic and annoying. I only do one shop for them which is optical. If you take this shop be prepared to write every little detail in the summary or you will get it back, which I did today. I guess I changed my mind. I am about done.
Well, I did what I thought were the revisions and as it turned out, it still wasn't quite what was wanted but Brenda was very nice and she edited what I sent in, sent me back a paragraph with her revisions to show me what I needed to do. It was one of those "uh,oh" moments for me and with that example I finally GOT it. And she was very nice about it.

The only thing I thought the report lacked was a final overall summary of the shopping experience. This was one store where I would have liked to have done one as I thoroughly enjoyed it. The place even smelled good since they do a lot of prepared foods - all of which look like something you immediately want to eat.
Dagosto Wrote:
> Did the shop for Satisfaction Services & submitted
> the report December 17 2011. Received payment by
> check February 2 2012.
> That's not what I'd call lightning-quick, but it's
> not outrageously slow either. The thing that still
> peeves me is being left to scratch my head and
> wonder in the meantime about what if anything was
> going on. Would it be that difficult to send an
> email saying "Your report has been accepted"?

Yup, exactly how I felt. Not a single word. Just a check in the mail, and it happened in every assignment I did. I suppose that's how they operate.
They won't let me do optical sad smiley The narratives are longer than I like but the meals at the bread place are OK except they don't do them anymore in New England. The sporting goods shops are a pain in the rectum but they have dinner and bar shops in CT that are great, but narrative etc etc

My paperwork is usually late but I still get calls.
I have been working with SS since 2006, and have had very good experiences with them. I agree, I would love to see a job board there and get to see what they have to offer - but am not complaining. I've had GREAT experience with their schedulers, and they pay promptly around the 25th of the month after the shop was completed - which is not unheard of. I have found them to be fair, honest, and pleasant.
Shop2LiveinFL Wrote:
> I was just contacted by a scheduler of a company I
> already shop for. She asked if I was registered
> with Satisfaction Services because she has jobs in
> my area. I just went to their website to register
> and I see the following statement...
> "Sign up for "FREE" or pay $9.99 and Receive Rated
> Member Benefits, either way you will be available
> for our shopping assignments."
> > Why is FREE in quotations? And I thought we
> weren't supposed to pay a fee to be a MS. Now I
> am a bit suspicious. Any thoughts?

You can shop for free like any other MSC if the scheduler is desperate and those who do not pay the fee ($9.99) do not take the shop first. The $9.99 is like the job slinger membership. You can check the posts but only after they have been picked over by those who paid.

I get shops from time to time to fill my routes from both. I do not see high paying shops that are worth my while to accept individually.

It is like picking apples. You can buy the ones still on the tree for a higher price than those apples on the ground that may have worms in them. You get what you pay for. I guess the shops that are worthwhile and pay a higher compensation get picked first. I refuse to pay for shops. I would rather sit home.
ANOTHER PAYMENT PROBLEM with these guys. I received me check on time but they shoted me 1 shop payment ($10). I contacted them 2 week ago - no reply. I've only done about 15 shops for them and twice my checks have been wrong.
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