Satisfaction Services

Do not shop for Satisfaction Services. I did 2 shops for them and was not reimbursed for either one. They came up with an excuse for both of the shops, one being "A receipt was not sent in with the form". When I showed them proof of the receipt I never heard back. I have never had an issue with mystery shopping until now.

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I have never had a problem with Satisfaction Services. They have 5 clients in my area so I usually do a couple of shops a month, once in a while three. Over three years I've probably done 70 shops. Every time but once they have accepted my report without comment and I've gotten paid. The one time I heard back from them, it was because I completed my report for a restaurant shop - with a $90 reimbursement - and I forgot to attach the receipt. The editor e-mailed within a couple of days and asked for it. I sent it. I got paid. I'd be interested to hear who you spoke with and the specifics of your two shops that led to nonpayment, because that is not typical of this company.
They have forgotten agreements with me in the past, but those have been squared away relatively painlessly. But it appears to me that all of their shops are outside scheduler scheduled and I rarely get notice of anything here.
I waited 6 weeks for payment and when I called to inquire about it, I was told they would look into it and call me back. I never received a call back, but did receive two e-mails, 3 days later, from Mike Albert. In his first email he stated that my first shop had inaccurate information, and my second shop was not complete. The second email stated that I failed to provide a receipt in my first shop, and I did not interact with a team member in the second shop. I sent proof of the receipt but never heard back. I wasted my time, gas,and money. Because of this company, I have no trust in the mystery shopping process and will never shop again.
Of course that is your choice, but I sure would not let one company spoil the work for me. Easier to just avoid that company. The process does work. It does require feedback from both sides from time to time. I'm surprised they did not notify you fairly promptly if there was an issue with your shops. Usually folks are notified within a day or two.
I was just contacted by a scheduler of a company I already shop for. She asked if I was registered with Satisfaction Services because she has jobs in my area. I just went to their website to register and I see the following statement...

"Sign up for "FREE" or pay $9.99 and Receive Rated Member Benefits, either way you will be available for our shopping assignments."

Why is FREE in quotations? And I thought we weren't supposed to pay a fee to be a MS. Now I am a bit suspicious. Any thoughts?

“I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.”
~ Jimi Hendrix

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” ~ Mark Twain

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Ok, I have registered for the "FREE" sign-up option. But now I can't find the job board. Oh where, oh where is the job board?

“I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.”
~ Jimi Hendrix

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” ~ Mark Twain

“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
I was wondering about payment for a sandwich shop I did, and just got the check today.

Live consciously....
Shop2LiveinFL Wrote:
> Ok, I have registered for the "FREE" sign-up
> option. But now I can't find the job board. Oh
> where, oh where is the job board?

There is no job board. If work is in your area, and if you are so favored, you will be contacted. An outside or in house scheduler, will email or call you.
I did two jobs for Satisfaction Services. I have not received payment on either and it is now 3 1/2 months.

After all this time they tell me one report was rejected by the client and the other ... well, they will get back to me .... give me a few days to look into this.

Now please note this is the third time I have contacted them regarding payment.

Also note that my reports are rated very highly by all the other companies I do work for.

I would NOT recommend these people to deal with!
I've had issues with slow payments in the past but the last few months have been without a hitch. I regularly do 25-30 shops a month for them.
Well I have been shopping this company for years. I generally have no problems getting paid, although they are very slow to pay depending on the cycle of payment they are on when you complete the shop. It can easily take up to 3 months. That said, they are a pretty good company to work for. Sometimes the schedulers can get a little rude when you can't do a shop for them, but I guess they are stressed trying to find reliable people too.
I do wish their website were more shopper-friendly. I did my first shop for them, and had some concerns about whether or not it would be approved (and paid). But the site offers no feedback at all.


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
Can someone help me out here -- I just did my first report for this company, and I didn't see anywhere on the form where to upload a receipt. It says my report has been received in the auto-reply e-mail, but I have no submitted a receipt. What should I do?

All you can do is contact them and explain the situation. If any of the contact methods allow you to attach the receipt then do so. By handling it right away you will show that it wasn't just an oversight on your part.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
That's a tough one, Brian. Mine was a non-purchase shop, and no validation required (as far as I understood).

Looking at the website after signing in, I find a link under "Contact Us" for Shoppers/Evaluators to email. Below that link is this: Phone: 954-564-6570 or 800-564-6574

Brian Wrote:
> Can someone help me out here -- I just did my
> first report for this company, and I didn't see
> anywhere on the form where to upload a receipt.
> It says my report has been received in the
> auto-reply e-mail, but I have no submitted a
> receipt. What should I do?
> Thanks!
> Brian


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
Thanks for your suggestions - I replied back to the assignment e-mail with an attachment of the receipt scan and an explanation. Hopefully that will be good. I guess maybe they don't need to see it, but I doubt it! smiling smiley

Often their reports do not require a receipt, you've likely included information from the receipt which they verify.

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
Yes, as RobinMarie says, likely your report did not require the receipt. I do two restaurants for them - one requires a receipt and one does not.
I have done a number of high-end emergency shops for them and I have received payments for them. I don't recall how long they paid but all the shops were offered to me. As a matter of fact, I was persuaded to sign up when they asked me to do the very first one.

The last time, I was asked to do two high-end shops as an emergency on the very last day. Although I completed the first one, the other one was located at the other end, at a very classy area, all undergoing renovation. There was a major construction in the whole area. The store was practically inaccessible due to constructions in the street and sidewalks. It was close by the time I reached it.

The scheduler was very upset and told me so many shoppers wanted it and blamed me for accepting it. I told her if there were many shoppers who wanted it, why did she contact me? I reminded her that I have never done anything for them unless it was an emergency and without any bonus, I have completed all of them. I decided not to do anymore when asked again. I still wonder when I became high-rated as it appears to show in my profile. I did not pay for it.

What I remember well about this company was the lack of interaction, unless they needed me. Then I got emails and phone calls right and left. I never received any feedback on my reports. I just got a check in the mail.
I couldn't quite get a concensus on whether this MSC was good or bad. Seems some have decent experience with them and others not so good but all seem to think they are slow payers. I just accepted a shop for them so let's hope I'm one of those who has a good experience.
Well, I did my shop report and tonight I get an email telling me there are some areas of my report that don't meet their standards. I have until tomorrow to fix or to request extension to fix the report or no pay. I haven't been doing this for years but have done a number of shops/reports since last Nov. and have been getting high ratings.

I guess I'll sleep on it and maybe ask for an extension till Sunday as I have shops to do tomorrow.

If I don't redo, do they have the right to edit and use what I reported?
They could... and not pay you. They can do anything as it is under their control. As I mentioned, never have I received any comment on the reports I did for them. I just received the checks.

However, if they did contact you about your report, it is advisable to resolve the issue asap. Ask them specifically what has to be done and then do it. It is up to you if you want to have any dealings with them after that. But it is a good policy not to leave anything unfinished. If you can ask for extension, that's good. Good luck!
plmccut Wrote:
> Well, I did my shop report and tonight I get an
> email telling me there are some areas of my report
> that don't meet their standards. I have until
> tomorrow to fix or to request extension to fix the
> report or no pay. I haven't been doing this for
> years but have done a number of shops/reports
> since last Nov. and have been getting high
> ratings.
> I guess I'll sleep on it and maybe ask for an
> extension till Sunday as I have shops to do
> tomorrow.
> If I don't redo, do they have the right to edit
> and use what I reported?

No, this is not a sleep on it issue. All MSCs will give you specific questions that they need clarified. Go back to your report and fix it asap. They are being very reasonable to offer an extension. I work for them and know the schedulers and they have been extremely understanding.
Keep in mind that most schedulers just want to get your report, done to the client's standards, and send to the client. They do not want to mess w/ you. It is not to their advantage.
Actually, I went back and reread the email and I have 24 hrs. to fix. So I AM going to sleep on it. I'm tired and my brain will function a lot better in the morning. My brain kind of works while I'm sleeping and I'll be able to knock it out much quicker and easier in the morning.

And I AM going to fix it, I just wanted to vent.

So I'm not looking totally unresponsive, I'll send her an email tonight to let her know I'll get the revisions to her in the morning.
Cool, I just meant don't wait on it so that you can get paid w. minimal extra effort. Are you sleeping now?
I think venting is a very good thing>
No, I'm not sleeping now. I did two shops this evening and had to do those reports, did my income tax all but one little item that I will get over the weekend.

Bad news = revisions
Good news = I get a HUGE tax refund.

I retired in Dec. 2010 but didn't make any adjustments on the taxes being taken out of my SS because I wasn't sure how things would stack up. As it turns out, I'll have enough to do some repairs on my house so I can put the thing up for sale and move into a smaller place. Yea for me!!!!

Anyway that's why I didn't want to deal with the revisions tonight.

And I have to vent somewhere - I live alone and don't even have a dog to kick when I'm in a bad mood!!!
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