I 'fired' Trendsource

I know Trendsource is a favorite of many, but I just deactivated them. When I signed up I gave them everything they wanted. Then give us your SSN, then give us the copy of your DL#, then you can't accept before you read this crap, after you read this watch this stupid video for 40 mins and then take this test.


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Maybe they have different jobs in your area with different requirements, but I don't ever recall having to watch any videos and the only quizzes they had were after the job was assigned to you and were fairly simple based on the instructions and you only have to complete it once. I take it you don't work for Corporate Research either, but thats whats so great about this business in that you have the freedom to work for who you want and when you want. Thanks for letting us know.

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
The video is for their upcoming Medicare shops. The quiz following it was on par with other Trendsource shops.
I had a problem when they deducted 6.00 from a 30.00 job, was very dissapointed in them, however, they just redeemed themselves by giving me a hard to get upscale grocery store I love, glad I hung in there.

Live consciously....
Yes, I must admit I wasn't very happy when I performed some last minute parking lot shops for them and then was not paid for one of the lots. I contacted them, they admitted their mistake and when they paid, they 'docked' me 3.00 for an error. No error had been mentioned at all. There was no error and I was so disgusted I could not help but giggle when they called and emailed recently for a midnight parking shop. Given the times of emails and calls, I doubt they got it complete.

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
I almost registered at Trend Source. What delayed me, was having to send
my SSN and my DLN. No way!!

During this time, that I was thinking about this, I received one of those large checks for about $3000, asking me to deposit, and keep $240.

This second thing rang my alarm bells. Ring. Ring. Ring.
Wilmette, Trendsource is a legitimate company. It's not unusual for a SSN and DL to be requested. I also video shop and have had to provide proof of insurance, recent photos, etc. Often time scammers use the name of a legitimate MSC.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Anakin: Is there something wrong with being trained correctly?

Wilmette, that check did not come from Trend Source, it was a scam. They are a very legitimate company to work for.
"Anakin: Is there something wrong with being trained correctly? "


But the whole thing was getting on my nerve. Also, all the requests were not together. They were sequential. For the video portion, their web site crashed two times while I was 'enjoying' the video.

I get enough work without them.

I have no intention of giving too much personal info. to any 'Mysterious Shopping Companies'.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/17/2011 09:08PM by anakin.
Trendsource drove me crazy with a inventory in a grocery store. If they know the items are there, why do they need a survey. The item could have, and in fact was sold out. I could not inventory it. I went back to the store a couple of times and lost money. I will not do that shop again,

I never say never on other shops they may offer. They are legitimate
I think i flaked on a donut shop for them... they used to bonus out the wazoo... did not need a video or training...nothing i need or want in the area

Most corporate "training" is to ward off liability... it can be much easier for them and for you to just put it in document format...

Cri always says its best to view the video... im not a visual learner...so i always choose the slides you can click through faster too i think...

What is awesome is when cri makes new training videos... gota love that..

Tell emm to kiss... never mind... so much fun when you can tell some one no though...


shopping north west PA and south west ny
Piled Hip Deep, PHD Wrote:
> Trendsource drove me crazy with a inventory in a
> grocery store. If they know the items are there,
> why do they need a survey. The item could have,
> and in fact was sold out. I could not inventory
> it. I went back to the store a couple of times and
> lost money. I will not do that shop again,
> I never say never on other shops they may offer.
> They are legitimate

Yep, did that one exactly once too. Just one of those lessons you learn over time. Hasn't kept me from picking up a ton of Trendsource shops since.
I haven't done a lot of jobs with Trendsource, but have found them to be first rate.

Anakin - Do you have that cartoon of the zebra loosing stripes off his rear end with the caption "I think it's stress". If not, send me your addy and I'll zip it off to you. I've had it forever and I think you need it, too.

Stay calm. Eat more chocolate.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
MsM: Did we get off the wrong side of the bed today? What have I ever done to you that your replies to me are always rather insulting?

This is a free board, I can express my feelings as much as you can. You like chocolate, I hate chocolate. Do you always behave this way when people don't subscribe to your way of thinking? You must be a very frustrated person.

cooldude: That was cool.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2011 04:27PM by anakin.
Anakin - I am surprised to learn you think I meant to insult or offend you. I wanted to share that zebra cartoon because you seemed stressed with Trendsource and I thought you'd enjoy the joke. Guess not. Sorry I mentioned chocolate. I didn't know you had a short fuse there, too.

Of course you have a right to post. Why wouldn't you?

Anyway, this is more trouble than it's worth. I know you'll be gratified to learn I'm done. Just with you, not the forum. Best wishes, good luck, go gettem, and you're fired.

Anybody out there with a sense of humor who wants a copy of my zebra with the stripes falling off his rear, with the caption "I Think It's Stress", just pm me your addy and I'll zip it off to you. Love and kisses to all / Mary

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2011 08:42PM by MDavisnowell.
Some times it might be cool to be sophomoric and shallow in old days. Reminds us of how we were 50 years ago.
Has anyone noticed Anakin has been acting differently since he started hanging out with Senator Palpatine?
Beware of them if you do the business checks. If the client declines your visit it is now your fault.
Irene as a person on antidepression meds that wasnt funny...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
What do you mean it's now our fault. Can we get dinged for it? In the case of Trendsource it's hard to get self-assign status and I'm curious if it could be affected.

> Beware of them if you do the business checks. If
> the client declines your visit it is now your
> fault.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Very much "dinged".... no pay and no more of those! We have no control over if the client allows us or not. But they think so!
Client refuses so I don't get to do anymore BV's? This after I'm required to pay for a background check out of my own pocket. That's bs on a major scale!

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Maybe you have a specific story you can relay to help us understand why. it would be an irrational business decision so I'll stake my claim to there being more to the story.

> Beware of them if you do the business checks. If
> the client declines your visit it is now your
> fault.

Not sure what else you want....
if the client declines the lack of report because the business refuses a visit is now your penalty.

If you never run into a business declining a visit you have nothing to worry about.
What you're providing is a "summary" or "conclusion". So far it's based on nothing but it's own existence, which means it has no value.

So, on what basis do you make your claim that if the business refuses you don't get paid. Who told you that? What email shows that? What were the circumstances surrounding the event that led you to draw that conclusion? What are the facts.

If you can't provide that you may as well post something about an MSC kidnapping your dog and we'll believe that, too.

> raisitip
> Not sure what else you want....
> if the client declines the lack of report because
> the business refuses a visit is now your penalty.
> If you never run into a business declining a visit
> you have nothing to worry about.
"So, on what basis do you make your claim that if the business refuses you don't get paid. Who told you that? What email shows that? What were the circumstances surrounding the event that led you to draw that conclusion? What are the facts. "

Makes no difference.

canadamommy said,"if the client declines the lack of report because the business refuses a visit is now your penalty."

That is a fact.
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