Tell Us About Us

Does anyone know if Tell Us About Us has stopped posting shops, or if I am just being blacked out?

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I see no shops in the US or Canada on their SASSIE site. I haven't done any of their training modules except the donut modules back in 2008 so that may contribute to seeing nothing.
They continued to post jobs briefly after Market Force acquired them, but now I am seeing all the jobs I used to do for TUAU on the Market Force job board, most with almost identical shop requirements and a similar report.
AustinMom Wrote:
> They continued to post jobs briefly after Market
> Force acquired them, but now I am seeing all the
> jobs I used to do for TUAU on the Market Force job
> board, most with almost identical shop
> requirements and a similar report.

me too
AustinMom Wrote:
> They continued to post jobs briefly after Market
> Force acquired them, but now I am seeing all the
> jobs I used to do for TUAU on the Market Force job
> board, most with almost identical shop
> requirements and a similar report.

....but less pay that TUAU offered...

Shops that I was doing for TUAU for $15CDN are now going for $12US (MF pays me in US currency). But, a scheduler from MF should be calling any day now with nice bonus offers since nobody is willing to take the shops at a lower price. I wish MF would stop playing the cheapo game where they lower fees in the hopes that some fish will bite. When that doesn't happen, the phone calls start. Why they don't just offer a fair wage to begin with, as it's obvious they have the budget for it, I wish I knew!
MtlShopper Wrote:
> AustinMom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They continued to post jobs briefly after
> Market
> > Force acquired them, but now I am seeing all
> the
> > jobs I used to do for TUAU on the Market Force
> job
> > board, most with almost identical shop
> > requirements and a similar report.
> ....but less pay that TUAU offered...
> Shops that I was doing for TUAU for $15CDN are now
> going for $12US (MF pays me in US currency). But,
> a scheduler from MF should be calling any day now
> with nice bonus offers since nobody is willing to
> take the shops at a lower price. I wish MF would
> stop playing the cheapo game where they lower fees
> in the hopes that some fish will bite. When that
> doesn't happen, the phone calls start. Why they
> don't just offer a fair wage to begin with, as
> it's obvious they have the budget for it, I wish I
> knew!

It looks like they learned from CRI.

Also in Canada. Some of their shops pay fine but some of the bank shops with an advisor should never be done for $15. The CDIC shops take 1/4 the time and pay the same.
What about the lovely skin care/cosmetic shops--I have not seen them on MF and they had been snapped up by TUAU from another great company that had had them for YEARS....
Have I just missed them? Blue or Purple site?

AustinMom Wrote:
> The skincare shops have been posted on MF.
blue .... they still reimburse $25, there is no longer a $5 fee, and you can no longer buy a gift card....but they go very fast

I am in the mid-Atlantic so no worries about another shopper. I had been doing the cosmetic ones for so long through at least 2 MSC's but stopped with looking at you-know-who's blue site b/c there was nothing too good to see at least for I will update to dailies and start checking....

lookingAustinMom Wrote:
> blue .... they still reimburse $25, there is no
> longer a $5 fee, and you can no longer buy a gift
> card....but they go very fast
Iguana, I did that skin care/cosmetics shop (FL) in Sep. but haven't seen it posted since.
I wonder if they lost the client now...the client should have stayed with the original MSC...they did a good job. I assumed TUAU undercut their deal and made it look to sweet not to switch. Shame...
no, it was posted in October...someone who did the shop in September may not see if because of the rotation requirements.....
Bena Wrote:
> Does anyone know if Tell Us About Us has stopped
> posting shops, or if I am just being blacked out?

I saw all the old tuau shops on mf during oct for november dates but have not seen any at all this month and I have been checking every day. I loved favorite shops and liked the easy way to find and apply for shops. MF makes it all a mystery and you have to go through so many steps just to see what the shop is. I live in a large city and they show me shops for 100 miles so there are too many listed and none near my house.!! Searching within 10 miles does not work well on their site.
I am wondering if they lost the tuau clients or maybe I just did too many and they took them off my page.
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