QAMS volume

QAMS seems to be high on many posters' top ten lists, and though I've done a couple of at-home phone shops for them (cheap but easy) I never see any more than a handful of open shops nationwide. Am I missing something?

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QAMS seems to "pre-assign" their shops, mostly using KSS schedulers, to favored shoppers.

There are 2 highly coveted clients in my area, one restaurant and one service provider, that I would dearly love to shop. I apply, go back in 2-3 hours later and the shop is gone. Sometimes the shop is there and my app deleted. They have a fitness client in my area as well, the shop is easy.

I snagged one shop on the restaurant-excellent report. One on a fitness center. I have gotten turned down so many times that I started a folder to keep track of request/acceptance on QAMS.

I no longer waste my time trying to apply for QAMS shops unless my schedule is really empty for some reason.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2011 11:00PM by 3offthecharts.
I only ever see one location of the restaurant on Kern, but it is always downtown and not worth the effort. I wish I could figure out how to be a shopper for one closer to home, but oh well can't get them all.
I do two shops monthy, different lcoations, but both in my town....they send (Kern or Qams) emails for these shops before they hit the boards....don't know what else they do here, never see a restaurant.

Live consciously....
raisitup Wrote:
> QAMS seems to be high on many posters' top ten
> lists, and though I've done a couple of at-home
> phone shops for them (cheap but easy) I never see
> any more than a handful of open shops nationwide.
> Am I missing something?

All their shops seem to be cheap but easy. All the ones I do are scheduled by Kern. I usually do 2 or 3 a month. Pay is very fast. The reports are easy. You don't upload the receipt. I always save the receipt in case they come back and ask but so far they never have. To date, they have never asked any questions. My only complaint? They are one of the companies that puts "mystery shopping" on their checks.
I don't like that, either. I'm glad I deposit checks electronically using Chase's mobile app so I don't have a teller eyeballing the payer.

AustinMom Wrote:
> My only complaint?
> They are one of the companies that puts "mystery
> shopping" on their checks.
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