A new one for Blue

Like most of us, I tolerate MFI for the volume of work and the frequently bonused shops. I've been shopping for them a long time. Unlike the Sassie companies, you rarely get any feedback unless it's a clarification question and/or temporarily booted out until they sort something out regarding your work for them.

I got a critique of how I worded what a crew member was doing when (not) speaking to me while presenting my order.

I was ROTFLMAO! I read it, then I had my child read it. His response? They are saying what you said, but they put the words in a different order, is this some kind of test?

I re-read it and he was right. Exact same words, arranged differently and added one word. WTH?

Anyone else ever seen this? It made me laugh more than anything, but really? Over a burger shop?

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