Brian Wrote:
> After you have done your eligibility questions for
> the first time on a specific client, there doesn't
> seem to be a way to just "view the shop
> instructions" without requesting the shop. Is
> there? I clicked on the "get jobs" button because
> that is what I did the first time to see the
> assignment, and instead, it showed up in my
> requested jobs list. Anyone have some input?
> Thanks!
> Brian
There is a "Review Shop Details" link on the right under the first available date to shop. This link will give you a brief overview of what is expected on the shop. It tells what size your photos need to be, shop hours, and what photos you are expected to take.
The details do not go into specifics about the evaluation report. The only way you are going to see that is be accepted for the shop. Sometimes if one saw the evaluation first the shop would not be acceepted, One of the evaluations is 20 pages of questions. It is not that bad once it is gotten into but can be a stopper.
I took a shop over the phone and printed the materials when I got home. One look at the evaluation I called and said thanks but no thanks. I was not going to touch that one with a 10' pole.
Good luck