
Has anyone taken the certification for this shop? I won't post the MSC, obviously. I have taken the certification several times. I'm not sure if it's a glitch in the test, because I've switched the answers around - still wrong.

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I took it years ago. There aren't any locations in my area any more so I have not taken the refresher in a while. Do the test "open book" by opening up multiple windows.
If it's the same MSC that I just did the test for... it's just a PITA! yawning smiley)
Check very closely - most likely it's one tiny detail that you missed.
I remember thinking WTH?? myself, as I re-took it a FEW times. Geesh!
Then, guess what?? No sooner do I take & pass the dang thing, they
removed the shops in my area. Bummer!
I have tried to take the test numerous times and for the life of me, can not pass it. I like to think of myself as a relatively intelligent person......I reviewed and re-reviewed the training, and still, no passing the test. Maybe I will try again this winter, while snowed in, with some downtime smiling smiley
Go through each question one more time, then mark on a piece of paper the ones you honestly know FOR SURE are correct. Hopefully there are only one or two that you've identified that you aren't 100% on. For those, write down the two answers that you think could be correct. Then just systematically change an answer, submit, go back, change again, etc. until you hit the sweet spot. I'm the smartest guy in the room but sometimes I tend to misread things because I go too fast. I had to do this a couple of times to get through some tests.

Then there are the poorly worded answers, those are a different story but the above method works just as well :-)
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