Mert Wrote:
> lclemons, I don't know which month you're
> referencing. Strategic Reflections states their
> terms "Checks begin processing approximately the
> 27th of each month for shops completed the
> PREVIOUS month and are mailed after processing is
> complete.***" Of course, we have to allow time
> for processing and U.S. Mail.
> I completed a shop in early August for which I
> have not received payment. I'll be watching. I
> haven't had to chase a payment from them ~ yet.
I'm in the same position as you. Completed 2 shops in August, and have not seen payment. I understand that they used the term "approximately" in regards to the 27th, but it has been more than a week past that date.
Plus, I live less than 30 miles from their corporate office. Barring the odd problem, mail takes 2-3 days at the most to get from their part of the city to mine.