Every time I sign on to Corporate Research International and go to the phone shop...I put the phone shops that are available in my cart and when I go to select a date, there are gray boxes, red, and green. When I press on any of these boxes to select a date it will not let me. This is going on for a couple of months and I can't ever get any phone shops. Does anyone know why this is happening?

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The ones I can select to actively schedule are a light blue in color. The green dates are dates you could potentially do a shop, but they are more than 3 days in the future and CORI won't let you schedule that far ahead. Red dates are dates you cannot shop on.
I had the same thing happen, except it wasn't a phone shop. I was puzzled as to why it allowed me to place it in the cart, then not select a date. It was actually Lizdreamz reply that helped me figure it out - it's that dang 3-day window!! I guess we just need to wait until the calender shows days that we can do the shop & log back then and place in cart & apply then. (I never went back to try, so I'm assuming that's what I should have done)
You'll only be able to click through on the days you're allowed to assign. The reason could be anything from your rotation allowance to your demographic profile. I don't waste time any more trying to figure it out & just go on to something else.
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