Dynamic Advantage

Has anyone else noticed that they are not shopping the same companies they had been shopping for numerous months? If so, anyone know who did acquire these companies?

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I just did a Google check and it shows this company as a mystery shopping company out of Burbank, CA. The have a toll free number listed its 866-870-1251.
StarIzInkd Wrote:
> I noticed. ANother company took over the yogurt
> shops.

Since we're not mentioning the client, which company did they go to?
I do not like them yogurts anyways.

DA is a great company to work with. Joan and her crew are easy to contact. Love the food shops especially.
Anybody else have any experience with this company, I got an e-mail yesterday from another MSC asking me to sign up for DA. So I did and they have several bonused cell phone audits in my area. Anybody know what their pay schedule is?

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
Love them! Also wondering about the yogurt shops.

Pay is 30 days after end of week. So everything from one week is totaled on Saturday, then 30 days after that Saturday. Give or take a few but realiable.
Yogurt shops are at a diff company I shop now. Have not seen them on dynamic adv since then.
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