Just.Laura Wrote:
> Ok, I'm hoping this is just a fluke. I signed up
> for my first shop with GfK that had to be done
> today. Immediately after signing up, I got a
> confirmation email telling me to take a pre-shop
> quiz w/in 24-hours. I took the quiz right then, so
> I wouldn't forget about it. I passed the quiz,
> then added the shocalendercalander.
> A day or two later, I get an email saying my shop
canceledn cancelled for NOT taking the required
> quiz... wth??
> Has this happened to any of you?
> Oh, and now when I view the job board, the shop I
> requested doesn't even show up (been like that
> ever since I got the cancellation email) but, the
> other shop in my area does (same company, but
> further away)
Laura, if you are referring to the GFK mortgage shops, I've had the same problem. I tried again a couple of days ago, and got 6 emails today saying I hadn't done the quiz within 24 hours of accepting the shop. I don't think equipment is the problem.
My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me.
Benjamin Disraeli