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I heard mention of them years ago but I have never seen one and never heard of what was entailed in them. My assumption was that they were standard, on ground, courtesy and timing shops, not reimbursed tickets to check in-flight behaviors or baggage handling.
I have done some Kioask shops at airport for credit card clompany, but nothing on an airline company.
SQM (out of Canada) does airline shops from large cities to Toronto, that's the only one I know have to pass level 9 to be accepted, good luck!

Live consciously....
level 9? hmmm... considering i am only a level 4 cleric i will have to find some more dragons to kill... rats...

i seriously doubt the airline industry could afford shoppers... i dont get the impression they actually care about customers...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
cooldude581 Wrote:
> level 9? hmmm... considering i am only a level 4
> cleric i will have to find some more dragons to
> kill... rats...

Maybe I should try using my mage ...
Beyond Hello schedules mystery shops in airports for our retail clients and coffee shops. You can go to I schedule all the airport shops for Beyond Hello. If you are flying, PLEASE email me.
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